32- "Try me."

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The rest of the day went by in no time. Until the end of the school day that is.

"Oh look it's little miss Payne!" Darla said coming up to me.
"Darla please, Just leave me alone!" I said.
"Why, Is your body guard gonna save you?" She mocked.
"Really, I just want to go home!" I told her.

She pushed me against the locker and continued to mock me then she pulled her fist back, ready for a punch.

"Leave her alone!" Hudson said coming up behind Darla.

She turned around and dropped me.

"Or what?" She said
"Or this." He said pulling his hand back that was a lot bigger and stronger than hers.
"You wouldn't dare!" She laughed.
"Try me." He said.
"Whatever." She said and walked away.
Hudson saw the hurt in my eyes, he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. I sighed and set in to his hug.
He put his arm around me and walked me out to the car. As soon as he got outside he let me go for fear of Liam.
He opened the door to the car for me and I got in to see Sophia.

"Hey babe!" She said. "Liam and the boys aren't home, they won't be for a while but I'm going to be in Liam's room doing some work if you need me."

"Okay. Hudson and I will just watch TV." I told her as Hudson sat next to me making sure he wasn't to close but not to far to be suspicious.

We were sitting on the couch watching a movie and talking.
"So what's new?" Hudson asked me.
"Not much... I have a couple auditions coming up." I said.
"How about you... What's new?"
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing... Except for..." He said. I could tell he was hesitating, it was cute.
"What?" I said.
"Except... I kissed someone recently." He said and grinned at me.
I laughed "Yeah? Who would be foolish enough to kiss you?" I played.
"I think you know her." He played along.
"What's her name?"
"What?!" I asked shocked.
"Just kidding it was you." He laughed.
"Who was you?" Liam said walking in the door.
"Oh, Liam! Um, We were just messing around." I told him.
"Why is that here? And why is no one here with you?" Liam asked searching the room for... God knows what.
"Liam we're just hanging out, I was actually about to leave." Hudson said getting up "Bye Ava, see ya later." He said then left.
"Liam! You made him leave!" I semi yelled at Liam.
"He wasn't even supposed to be here in the first place!" He shouted.

Sophia came around the corner and Liam looked at her like she had six eyes.

"What?" Sophia said.
"Why weren't you watching Ava and Hudson?!" Liam asked. Then the boys walked in and just started listening to our conversation.
"They're fine!" Sophia said "It's not like anything happened!"
"It was Hudson! Who knows what happened!" Liam shouted.
"Woah Ava had a boy in the house... Alone? Go Ava!" Harry said.
I rolled my eyes. "Nothing happened! We were just watching a movie!" I said.
"Go to your room." Liam said "I'll be right there. And Harry, could you please stop being a bad influence?!"
I groaned and walked up stairs.

I sat on my bed and started crying... My eyes shifted to my desk.

I walked over to it and pulled out the scissors then sat back on my bed... My eyes filled with water and pain and I put the scissors to my wrist.

"No one understands! I trust no one! Everyone hates me!" I whispered and started to slowly put the scissors in my skin.

"Stop!" Liam yelled and rushed over to me and grabbed the scissors out of my hand.

I started to cry harder and he pulled me into his arms.

"I'm sorry." I cried into his chest.
"It's okay baby, I've got you." He said.
"I'm sorry." I cried into him... Again.
"Please tell me, Everything." He said.

He sat me down and and let me calm down then I started talking.

"I cut because you yelled at me and I felt bad and Hudson was being mean. And I'm not calling you dad because... I'm scared that if I do I will lose your trust. And... I really need to tell someone this but you can't flip out!" I explained.
"Ok." He said.
"I maybe kinda sorta, kissed Hudson. Like really kissed him, like, really!" I told him nervously.
"You what?! When?"
"At school today."
He was quiet for a second then laughed and said. "Was it good?"
I looked at him in disbelief and laughed then said. "A little."
"You know I'm mad that you kissed him right?" Liam asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"How was school? Besides the kiss?"
"Good, I met this guy in my first hour and he is super nice! I had a dream about this girl bullying me because you were my dad and when I went to school today she was actually there and then Grey, the guy, stood up for me but in the dream he didn't but I'm just glad that this was real life when he helped me oh and I also had a dream that Hudson kissed me and that really happened too!" I said not realizing I was rambling.
He laughed "Well I'm glad it all worked out for the best. And just to let you know, you can always trust me no matter what!"
"Thanks dad." I said hesitatingly.
He kissed my forehead and got up to leave.
"Dad?" I said before he left
"I love you." I said scared of the response.
"I love you too." He smiled and closed the door behind him.

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