He laughed then, "That's so cute." he said then stopped for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Logan was hesitant to bring up the attack on her family. "How old were your little brothers?"

"Six, they were twins."

"When we got to your house, it was only you that we knew went missing.. we didn't find any other kids in the house."

"That's what was missing.." she whispered.


"In the file you showed me," she said sitting up to look at him. "You had everything on me and my parents, but nothing on my brothers. Almost everything we did involved each other, it's not possible for you to have missed them."

Logan frowned slightly, "I don't remember.." he winced and shook his head before looking back up at her. "I'm missing something. I knew everything about your family but now.. it's almost a blur."

Anna thought for a moment, "Were those the only files you had on them?"
He shook his head, "We have a human database. The same files I showed you will be there too, but I'll need Cam to access it.."

"Why don't you have access to it?"

"I do.."

"You don't know how to.." she said trying to hide her laugh.

"I don't like computers." he mumbled out.

She couldn't help but laugh then, "Aww. It's okay, luckily I do and I spent the past 3 years studying them." she said with a wink.

Logan smiled, "And she's smart too."

"Damn right I am."


Anna sat behind Logan's desk and opened his laptop.

"You don't even have a password.." she mumbled out and shook her head.

He rolled his eyes, "Just find the-"

"Got it." she said, seeing her family history pop up when she searched their name.

Anna frowned at the first article in the list, "What the-?"

"What's wrong?" Logan said sitting next to her.

"This doesn't make sense. The first part says family of five, but birth history only shows my birth. Did no one wonder where the other two family members came from?"

"I've never even seen these before, I only read what was printed out." he replied.

Anna huffed and slowly placed her hands under her chin.

"What now?"

"Every event or routine of ours that involved them has either been altered or simply cut off. The weird thing is, it hasn't even been covered up much. It's like someone just deleted a few words or sentences and left it like that."

Logan frowned, "Why go through the trouble of erasing it if you're not gonna fix it?"

Anna slowly turned to him, "Because you would never see it."

"I don't understand?"

"Whoever did this, knows that you don't use computers. They knew that you would never open the original files again, and therefore had no reason to cover their tracks that well."

He thought for a moment, "Could she really have done that?"

"No Logan. The woman that was behind the reason why I went missing, couldn't possibly know what happened to my little brothers too." she said sarcastically.

He smiled and shook his head, "You're mean in the morning."

"I haven't had my coffee yet." she said with a shrug.

"Well let's go fix that then." he said holding his hand out to her.

She closed the laptop and took his hand before letting him lead her out of his office and towards the kitchen.

Anna sat on one of the high chairs while Logan went to put on a pot of coffee. She sat with her thoughts until he turned back to her to hand her a cup.

"Anna?" he said as she simply stared at the cup in front of her.

Suddenly single tear ran down her cheek and splashed into the swirling black coffee. Logan moved to her side and placed his hand on her back.

"Amare, what's wrong?"

Anna remained silent for a moment, until a slow grin broke out on her face. He stood slightly confused as she began to laugh with her hand over her mouth while more tears ran down her face.

She finally calmed down enough to take a deep breath and lower her hand.

"They weren't there.." she whispered to herself.


"They weren't there." she said turning to him. "I thought I lost the most important people in my life, I thought they were dead the moment I left them.. I thought I failed them."

"If they were taken from the attack like you were.."

"Then they could have survived it!" she exclaimed still holding back some of her tears.

"That was still over 500 years ago Anna, unless they were brought here the same way you were.."

She shook her head and laughed again, "I don't care. I don't care if they weren't sent here, and I don't care if I never see them again. If they were taken away from it, they could have been protected from it. They could have lived and died without having to suffer the way I thought they did." she said letting her tears of joy and hope fall.

Logan slowly stepped forward and wiped away her tears then gently held her face, "Would you like to find out?"
She smiled up at him nodded.

He pressed his lips against her forehead before whispering against her hair,

"Let's go find your family, Anna."

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