{23}-The one with the graduation day

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Dallon's POV:

"I AM GOING TO GET GRADUATED TODAY!" Phoenix yells in our room, making me fall again on my face.

"I think I really broke my nose this time." I say, rubbing my face.


"I get it. Now go and get ready." I say.

"I was like this on the day of the wedding." Breezy chuckles.

"Really?" I smirk.

"Yes." She kisses me.

"DAD I AM STILL HERE!" Phoenix interrupts.

"Never! Never a chance!" I say, making Breezy laugh. "Go and get ready." Phoenix sticks her tongue out and walks away, unleashing Zero on us. "PHOENIX!"

Then it hit me: she is graduating today. My kid is finally not a kid anymore.


"Mr. Weekes." Kate greets, "Mrs. Weekes."

"Hey Kate." Breezy laughs.

"How long is she going to take?" Kate asks.

"She has been jumping off the bed since the morning." I say, "She cannot be contained."

"That's true." Kate smiles.

Suddenly, Levi bursts into the room, "Am I late?"


"Oh thank God." He lies down on the floor, looking for air.

"Levi! You are going to spoil the black gown." Kate scolds.

"Geez, sorry mom." Levi shrugs and gets up.

"PHOENIX! Can you dress up fast!" Kate and Levi yell in unison.

Phoenix pops her head out, "Bride and boyfriend, control I am coming out in a moment."

"I don't know how to react to her calling you bride and me, boyfriend." Levi says.

"Here." Phoenix comes out. Even in that black graduating gown, she looked beautiful. "Dad?"

"Yeah." She snaps me out of my trance. "You look awesome."

"Thanks, Dad." She smiles.

"I need a picture of you three." Breezy says.

"Me too!" Amelie jumps in.

"Yes, you too." Phoenix laughs.

The three stand in the lawn as I clicked a picture of them with Amelie on Levi's shoulders. It was perfect.

"Dad, you sure that you will come a little late." Phoenix asks me.

"Yeah, but will be there right before you graduate." I say, "I have to see my kid graduating." A cough comes from Kate, "And her bride and her boyfriend too."

"Thank you." Kate moves her hands.

"Shall we leave?" Levi asks. "Bye, Mr. Weekes."

Adapted// d.w (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now