"Um... A romantic one."

Adam sighed. "You always want to see a romantic movie."

"Okay. Never mind. We won't go."

"No, no. What did you have in mind?"

"Nothing. I don't know. Just a romantic movie."

A couple of days had passed when suddenly I got a call from Adam.

"What's up?"

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Staring at my ceiling."

"How about you come over instead?"

"Okay. Will you pick me up?"

"I was going to do it anyway."

I walked into his living room of his parents' house. It was back when he still lived at home. The lights were dimmed. A pizza sat on the coffee table. The sofa was prepared with pillows and a blanket. Adam had gotten out his parents' projector and the start screen for Mulan was on the wall.

"Is this all for me?" I asked him.

He nodded. "You said you wanted a romantic movie so I thought I'd one-up it with romantic Disney movies and pizza. I thought you also might enjoy this more seeing as you can relax and there's no creepers sitting next to you."

"Where are your parents?"

"They are at a friend's for drinks and a barbeque tonight. They said they will be back around midnight so we have the place to ourselves."

"Do they know I'm here?"

"Yes, they said you're welcome over."

"Oh Adam!" I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "You're so romantic!" I cooed. "I'll tell all our friends at school."

"Oh please don't."

I giggled. "Don't worry, I won't tell them how soft you are."

He pulled me back, gazing intently into my eyes. "I love you Audrey Jones. Do you know that?"

"And I love you."

He pressed his lips lightly on my forehead.

It's how all relationships start. They're nice and sweet. You think you couldn't have anyone better. I wonder when it was that Adam woke up and was horrified by the sight of me sleeping next to him. When did he get bored of me?


It was Friday. It was my last chance to think of an excuse to give to Joon Soo. I wanted to keep hanging out with him, but it was time we stopped being alone together. In future there would have to be other people around. That way he couldn't give me mixed signals. That way my stomach wouldn't squirm with butterflies every time I see him. That way every time his skin touched mine my heart wouldn't threaten to combust.

I had ducked out of the dorm at around seven to make a grocery run for my dinner. I was in the mood for ramen. There was a small store that sold ramen on campus but they were overpriced, so I had to catch the bus to one station over where a convenience store was.

Walking into the store, I was greeted by the shop assistant who asked if I needed help finding anything. I asked her for the direction of the ramen to save myself some time.

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