Chapter 28

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Jack's POV

I woke up with a pain on my head. I touched my forehead. I gasped in pain. I looked at my hand. There was blood on it. I must've gotten cut by something. I looked around me. Everything was pitch black.

"H-hello?" I say. There was silence. I got up and walked around. I felt a wall. I traveled across that. This place wasn't too big. I tried to look for a light switch or a door or something. I couldn't find anything. I plopped myself down on the ground again. Then I remembered my phone.

I checked my pockets to no luck. Where was I? Why am I here? What happened to me? The last thing I could remember was getting into an elevator and everything went dark. Then I heard something. I put my ear against the wall. It was coming from out there. It sounded like people talking.

"HELP!!!" I yelled. No answer.

"HELLLLPPP!!!" I tried again. I kept screaming in hopes that someone would hear.

"You can try all you want..." I heard a voice say. The voice sounded calm.

"But no one will hear you.... Jack"

Wait I heard that before.

"YOU!" I say.

"You're the girl from the elevator!"

She laughed maniacally.

"The name's Ava."

Wait what? Ava? From the comments?

"Why are you doing this?" I asked desperately.

"Because Jack... You're MINE"


She laughed again. This time she sounded closer. I felt something cold against my neck.

"We're going to be together forever...."

"NO! I love Mark."

The cold object was removed from my neck. Then a light appeared. She was holding a lighter against her face. I could see her evil smile.

"Oh that'll change...."

"No it won't! Ava please..."

She held a knife in her hands.

"If you don't want your precious Mark to get hurt you will do exactly as I say...." She grinned.

"No. Don't hurt him." I say

"Then, you'll have to love me Jack."

I hated this. I just wanted to get out of here. I looked around to see if anything would help me get out of this situation. There was nothing.

"Don't bother. There's nothing here to help you. I'm the only one who knows the way out." She said.

I looked at her.

"What do you want?"

"For us to be together Jack..."


Her expression changed. She was angry. She held the knife up to my neck again.

"Yes. And you will end your relationship with Mark. You and I will be together."

I started to cry. I just wanted Mark. I wanted to be in his arms again. To feel him again.

Ava handed me a phone.

"JACK!" I heard Mark's voice call.

"Jack! Where are you???" He sounded really worried.

"M-Mark..." I sniffled.

"Jack? Are you okay? What happened? Where are you?"

"Mark I... We.... We can't be together anymore."

"What? Jack where are you? Are you in trouble??"

"Mark! Just go away! Get out of my life!" I cried.

"Ja-" I ended the call.

Ava snatched the phone from my hands. And smiled.

"Now we can be together Jack..."  

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