Chapter 20

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Jack's POV

Mark was taking an awful lot of time. I hope he didn't get into an accident. I should call him. As soon as I went to do so, I heard a knock at the door. I went downstairs to answer.

It was the furniture guys.

"We've got an order for uh... Seán McLoughlin?" He looks up at me.

"Yes that's me" I say.

"Sign here please"

"Alright guys lets bring it in!" He yells at the other dudes.

"Um, my bedroom is upstairs so can we please bring in the mattress first to make it easier?" I asked. The guy looks at me and smiles.

"Sure no problem."

He walks over to the other guys and helps with the mattress. They bring it inside and I show them where my room was. They all lifted up the mattress and got it up the stairs and into my room. Then they went to get the sofa. 

Then I hear the garage opening. Mark was back. I went downstairs to greet him. He was holding the box with the A/C. I went to go help him.

"Hey what took you so long?" I asked taking the box from him and setting on the counter. He smiles and grabs me by the waist.

"I was stuck in a long line" he pulls me close and kisses me. I pulled away and smiled.

"I also got something for you" Mark says then he went back into the garage. He came back with a potted fern. I laughed.

"Thank you." I say. I take the ferb and place it on the counter.

"Where would you like us to place this?" The furniture man says. I look at him.

"Oh um, right here would be nice."

They set down the sofa then went to get the rest of the set.


I was almost all set. Mark had installed the A/C for me and I placed the fern near the door in the living room. My recording space was all set up. Now all I had to do was get some damn curtains and put the mattress in place.


"YEAH?" He yelled from downstairs.


"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE" I heard him come up the stairs.

"Yeah?" He says.

"I need your help putting this mattress in the bed frame"


He stood at the opposite end of me and we both lifted the mattress. I could see all his muscles as he lifted it. He was so chiseled and fine. I melted. He was so godly.

"There we go" he says. We both plopped down on top of it, staring at the ceiling.


"Yes Jack?"

"Remember when you first kissed me?"


"What made you do it?"

"I don't know. It hair felt right to me. Like, I knew you were the one I wanted and I just had to go for it."

"But why me?" He turned to his side so he could look at me.

"Because you're everything I've ever wanted. I've never met anyone as incredible as you and the thought of losing you makes me die inside. I wouldn't want anything or anyone to take you away from me because Jack..." I turned to face him. "...I love you. I love you more than anything. And I know that I will keep loving you forever"

Tears filled up my eyes and I started to cry. Mark pulled me closer to him and I cried into his chest. He pulled my head up and I gazed into his amazing brown eyes. He gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead then hugged me. It seemed like we could stay there forever.

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