Chapter 9

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Jack's POV

I got out of the shower and wondered what to wear on the date. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Jaaack?" It was Mark.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Just give me a minute I'm getting dressed!" I reply.

I decided to put on a nice light blue shirt that had a mini pocket in the front and some jeans. Shit. My hair looks like crap. I decided to wear a white beanie to cover it. Then I opened the door to see Mark.

He was wearing a nice white shirt with some jeans and a black leather jacket. It really gave him a nice "James Dean" kind of look. I noticed that his hair was a glowing shade a red. It looked really soft. He must've washed it. I admit, he cleaned himself up real nice. I'm impressed. He smiled at me.

"Ready to go?" He asked.


When we got to the car he opened the door for me.

"What a gentleman" I teased. He smiled and closed the door after I got in. Then he headed to the other side and got in.


The restaurant was about 30 minutes away. It was such a cute little restaurant. It seemed so cozy and warm. Mark got out of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I said.

"My pleasure" He held out a hand to help me get up. Then I grabbed his arm and we walked into the restaurant.

"Table for 2 please" Mark said to the waitress. She was a young woman, had blonde hair and brown eyes. Her smile was genuine and nice.

"Right this way" She showed us a table that was next to a window. I like this place. It kind of reminded me of when I used to live in a log cabin. The walls were made with logs it seemed. The place wasn't too packed. There were a couple people in here with us. The waitress gave us some menus. She was really nice. Then I looked at Mark. He looked back at me and smiled. I blushed. Maybe this date will be good after all.


Dinner went really great. We talked and laughed about almost everything. It was actually pretty nice to go out with Mark. I felt like I really got to know him better. He's such a good guy.  And I never really noticed how nice his smile is. It's kind of cute.

After dinner Mark had a surprise planned.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" Mark said. Damn I was really curious. It took us a good 15 minute to get to the place. Mark finally stopped the car and got out to open the door for me.

"Surprise" he said.

I looked around and all I saw were trees. Where was Mark going with this?

"Come on" He said. He took my hand and lead me through a bunch of trees. He pulled away some vines and revealed a bench with some nice white pillows. I saw that we were at an edge of a cliff and down below was a beach.

"Oh Mark..." I said. My heart was racing. This was all so adorable. There was a little fence in front of the bench to stop you from falling over the cliff that was decorated with little lantern lights. Then what I saw next was absolutely breathtaking.

"Mark... You did all this for me?" I looked at him.

"Yes Jack. Because I believe that we can be together." He replied. My heart melted. We both sat on the bench and watched the gorgeous sunset together.

It was a bit chilly up there. I started to shiver a bit.

"Oh Jack, you're shivering. Here" Mark took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders. I looked deeply into his dark brown eyes. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest and I had butterflies.

Mark pulled me close and kissed me. It felt like fireworks. He was so warm and soft. Sparks flew. I didn't want it to stop. Mark then pulled away and looked at me. I smiled.

"I love you Jack."

"I love you too Mark"

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