Chapter 11

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Mark's POV

What is life if you can't feel anything? This house was such a dark and empty place now. I miss Jack.

Jack's POV

I finally get home. I feel terrible for leaving Mark.

"JAAAACCKKK!" Wendy came and jumped on me. She kissed me. I pulled away.

"What's wrong? Did something happen over Mark's house?" She asked.

"Wendy we need to talk." I say. We both go into the living room and sit down.

"Something did happen at Mark's house" I say. "Mark said he has feelings for me..." Wendy just sat there speechless. I continue, "... And I confessed that I had feelings for him too." Wendy got angry.


"Wendy please..."

" SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT ALL THIS TIME YOU NEVER LOVED ME?!!!" She was furious. "I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING!" Then she slapped me. My face was burning. Wendy realize what she did then quickly apologized.

"J-Jack I'm sorry." She says. Then she started to break down and cry. I held her.

"Shhh shhh it's okay, it's okay." I say to her.

"B-b-but n-now you're g-gonna break up with meeee" she said in between sobs. I just held her and rocked her back and forth. This was one hell of a break up.


Wendy was finally out of the picture. I felt bad for breaking up with her. Things were actually going pretty well. She packed up her things and left. I was alone once again in the house. I missed Mark.

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