I Need You, Only You

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She watched him sleeping and she couldn't get over how incredibly sweet he looked. Sometimes she watches him wondering how in the world she got to be so lucky to have someone like Grayson in her life. If she didn't have him, she knew her life would be missing something, an important something, love.

He loves her unconditionally and she appreciates it. She knows she is heavily flawed, but he never draws attention to them. He tells her she's beautiful all the time even when she feels ugly and unwanted.

After everything that happened with Titus, her self-esteem has suffered greatly. Everything has suffered greatly, including her work. She is behind on book number fourteen. For some reason she just can't focus. She barely got through with the book before this one. Her mind just isn't there and she's not sure if it's going to change.

She still thinks about it, how incredibly stupid she was. When she saw him she should have realized he was up to something. Unfortunately, she didn't think it was going to be that something. There was no reason for it. Jealousy and rejection was all it was. Plus, Amelia knows he wanted to hurt Grayson and he knew that was the only way he could do it.

Grayson generally isn't fazed by much. The only things he really cares about other than music is his family, his band mates, and her. Titus knew he didn't stand a chance against all of them if he had done something to sabotage their tour. They would all be angry and probably would take turns beating the shit out of him. All of them are grown men now and not afraid of Titus anymore.

There was no way Titus could get to Grayson's family. Sure he could have told them about his dating a woman twice his age, but the truth of the matter is they already knew about Amelia, so that would have had no effect whatsoever.

So that just left her. He waited until she would be most vulnerable and wouldn't be disturbed. She just wasn't thinking right. Unfortunately she didn't listen to the side of her brain that was telling her to ignore him and leave his ass standing outside her hotel room door. The problem is, Amelia doesn't scare that easily, and at that point Titus didn't scare her one bit. He was just like her ex and she was never afraid of him.

What set them apart is that her ex-husband would have never even thought about doing something like that. He may have been an idiot, but he respected women too much to violate them and take what doesn't belong to him.

Even though it's been almost two months since everything happened, she still hasn't told anyone other than the people closest to her. The girls were told because they would notice the change in her and wonder what was wrong, especially Daysha. The guys were told mainly because they would need to comfort the girls. Also because they needed to know what kind of man Titus was.

It took a while before she felt comfortable enough to tell the guys. When she did sheer terror came over her as she looked at their expressions change drastically. She thought Grayson and Zach were bad, but Remy, Alistair, and even Neville were just as intimidating. There is not a doubt in her mind should Titus have stayed through the rest of the tour, he wouldn't be alive. They would have killed him and dumped his body in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, and then went on about their business as if nothing ever happened.

Amelia laughed a little when Remy said that, but after seeing the expression on all of their faces she knew it was true. Thankfully that didn't happen, because the last thing she wants them to do is mess up their lives and career over someone else's stupidity.

It is obvious they care a great deal about her, and that is mainly because they care a great deal about the girls and Grayson. If anyone of them were unhappy for any reason they would wreak havoc on whatever or whoever it is causing them pain. When they love someone, they love them completely and that is a rare thing. Amelia appreciates that a lot.

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