I Am Totally Lucid

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As he stands in the shower underneath the spray, he thinks about how amazing this month has been. Not only are they selling out in several cities, but the reviews they are getting are so uplifting. Even Pretty Never is receiving wonderful reviews. It has definitely been a good start to their tour.

Grayson has also been writing a lot more. He's written three songs for their upcoming album and the guys really seem to like them. In a couple of weeks they are going to record one of them to be released later in the month. It's not going to be their normal studio, but hopefully the place will have everything they will need.

They also have to do a video shoot for the newly released song, Runaway Girl. It is getting a lot of airplay and their label has requested they work on the video for the song. The woman who directed their last two videos is going to also direct this one. She is very good at capturing the message of the song in the video, even though it is very subtle.

The guys also have personal appearances on a couple of talk shows lined up. Needless to say, they have been and will continue to be extremely busy. Grayson gets a little exhausted sometimes, but he knows that is the job and he has to deal with it.

In a couple of months they will have a short break from the tour, a week or so, enabling them to get some rest and visit with family who they rarely ever see. It will be around the holidays, but they have to leave before New Year's because they are performing at one of the televised parties, he thinks it's for Disney or Nickelodeon. Either way it is for the younger fan base.

Pretty Never has also been asked to perform that night. He could see the excitement on the girls' faces when they heard the news. It was priceless, and made him think about the first time their band was invited to play somewhere like that. They were over the moon and weren't able to sleep for several days. That was almost four years ago and they all look back on it and laugh.

The other thing that has him walking on air is how close he and Amelia have gotten. They talk constantly about any and everything. She definitely makes him think about things, seeing them differently than he has in the past.

Most of the time their age difference isn't a factor because of the way they communicate with each other, like they're on the same page. He's always been pretty mature for his age, so that is probably why it is so easy for them to relate to each other.

They don't just talk on the phone. Actually they haven't really spoken on the phone in weeks, mainly because both their band and Pretty Never has changed their travel slightly sharing buses. Some of the guys stay on their bus and a couple of the girls join them, and some of the guys join the girls on their bus, so it is all just one group. He is one of the one's who moved to the other bus, because it gave him the chance to spend more time with Amelia without the watchful eye of Titus.

For some reason he has become extremely annoying to Grayson. His attitude has changed drastically from the man he used to know. Most of the time he doesn't even speak to Grayson just glares at him and that is confusing as hell. Grayson can't believe it has anything to do with Amelia because Titus has gotten woman after woman in the cities they have traveled, so his mind couldn't be on that particular woman.

Besides, Titus had just met Amelia so they had no ties to each other at all. It's not like Grayson came in and stole her from Titus because that is not the case. She wasn't interested in Titus and told him that to his face on more than one occasion and in many different ways hoping he would get the message. It sort of pisses Grayson off that Titus still tries to hook up with her. Amelia is his woman and he is not about to share with anyone.

The relationship between Grayson and Amelia hasn't really been brought up. Most of the time people just see them talking to each other so it seems pretty normal and doesn't look like anything else. They also eat together whenever they stop for food, but that still just looks like they enjoy talking to each other.

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