"Oh come on! We see all of his movies together!"

"Sorry. I will have to sit this one out. Take Ji Soo?"

"I can't. She's not allowed out on school nights. And she wants to go to the fireworks festival this weekend so eomma won't be lenient at all."

"That sucks. Go on your own?"

"Then I will look pathetic."

"Take a student from your class?"

"A student? That's inapprop..." But then I had an idea. "Actually, there is someone I can take." I glanced at the time. Audrey's next class would be over soon, then she'd be heading to another. I had to hurry if I wanted to ask her. "Baek Hu, I'll talk to you later. I just thought of someone to ask."

"Okay. We still should catch up though. Want to get coffee at our usual place when your movie is finished?"

"Yeah, sounds good." I hung up the phone and took off to Audrey's class, nearly running into people on the way. Why did her class have to be on the other side of campus?

When I finally got there, I doubled over, panting. I had to calm my breath. It would freak her out if she knew I ran here for something I could have texted her about.

Suddenly the classroom door opened and people began spilling out. I moved over to the wall and leaned against it, crossing my arms across my body, trying to act like I wasn't out of breath.

I saw Audrey walk out of the building.

"Hello stranger," I said.

She spun around and looked at me with wide eyes. A small smile slipped onto her face.

My heartbeat quickened. What was wrong with me? I must be getting sick. I can't even run now without feeling off. Trying to ignore my sudden illness, I pulled the tickets I had purchased yesterday afternoon out of my pocket and held them up. "Free tonight?"


"Han Seol, wait!"

Han Seol turned around, tears streaming down her face.

"Why are you pushing me away?"

"Because I have to."


"Because, no matter how I see it, we can't ever be together. Don't you get that?"

"Is this because of my parents."

"No," she lied, turning to look away from him.

The male lead walked up close to her and put his hand on her face, forcing her to look at him. "Well I don't care what my parents say. I don't care if they disown me. Nothing they say or do will stop me from wanting to be with you. Saranghae." He pressed his mouth onto hers.

I looked around the cinema. Girls were awing at the love scene. Some had smiles on. Some were even crying. Out of the corner of my eye I glanced at Audrey. She wasn't showing any expression. She was looking at the screen but it seemed like she wasn't really watching it. Did she not like it? Our conversation on top of the N Seoul Tower popped through my head.

"Yeah... I mean, it's cute. It's a nice idea. But it's silly to believe things like that."

"Like what?"

"That love lasts."

Had I made a mistake bringing her here? Did this movie remind her of whatever made her hate love? Was this person that hurt her the same person she spoke about living with for a while before she went quiet last week at lunch? Something in me wanted to pull her close again like when I saw her cry that time. But I didn't want her to get weirded out by it. And that's not what friends should do.

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