Chapter 16: The problems of being Blaine Anderson

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Hey guys! Thanks for your ongoing support with my new book. We have reached around forth reads since it's introduction a few days ago! And we also have quite a few votes so thanks very much! Here's a new chapter that I promised, and four more are still to come! But if you can keep up the reads on this and my new book I'll even throw a new chapter in. Getting you six chapters before Monday! (On Sunday night) please Comment, vote and keep reading!


Christmas had really hit Lima Ohio this year. Blaine felt the Christmas vibe, and nearly everywhere in town and houses were decorated. Lima was a nice little town but it was way more beautiful at Christmas, as there were a lot more light. Blaine could view the whole town from a high point surrounding the town. He had found this area after sectionals. Ever since sectionals things had been upside down. Sebastian and Blaine had their first fight, that was a big one:


"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked, he wasn't happy

"I'm your boyfriend? We do stuff together?" Blaine reminded him.

"I bet you are Blaine, I bet you are" he knifed.

What did this mean? Blaine was confused. Blaine was just confused all the time now.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked.

Sebastian stormed into his house and Blaine followed.

"Please Blaine you've got to be an idiot" he began yelling "if you think I won't find out about you and another guy."

As Blaine always says "the first to yell will loose the argument" but this signalled to Blaine he was really upset, he was really convinced he was cheating on him. That was preposterous, as Blaine would never cheat on anyone. In a legit relationship that is, just for the sake of Santanna Lopez, as he did kind of flirt with Kurt during that time when they were apparently going out. Blaine apologised:

"Sebastian I'm so sorry, im sorry you feel that way, but I wouldn't cheat on you...ever."

Sebastian paused "why have you been at scandals then?"

Blaine paused. Well this was awkward. But Blaine decided to confess to him:

"Listen...I've been going to scandals because my brother took me there once, because he knew about us" Blaine began "he just laughed and ragged me along, and he told me to watch out for you, because he thought you'd be there, he thought you were cheating on me"

There was another pause.

"Who's your brother?" Sebastian finally asked.

"Cooper Anderson" Blaine said, embarrassed.

Sebastian nodded:

"Listen Blaine, I used to go to scandals a lot, I would get a fake ID and get in and hook up with a lot of guys there, and I wasn't particularly proud of it either but at the time...I was just really into guys. I hooked up with a lot of older guys, and a lot of guys my age, and then I realised I'm just living a loveless life. I wanted a boyfriend and I had one for a while, but we drifted apart" he told me.

Blaine felt bad now.

"But now that I have you, I don't go there anymore, I promise you" he whispered to me.

This lead into an apology between the two, then them to hug whilst watching yet another movie,which lead to a kiss which lead to a steamy make out session.


Another problem was Rachel Berry, she had fallen in love with him. She was just like a horny school girl after Blaine, and that's what he feared:

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