Chapter 11: Interrogations and Sebastian

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"You didn't!" Rachel said quietly

"Rachel, please I'm more shocked he's actually got a boyfriend and I don't" Kurt replied

Blaine had been taken into a separate room, despite the protests of Mr Shue, and turned the lamp on and shone it in Blaine's face.

"This isn't NCIS guys" Blaine interjected.

"He's fraternising with...The enemy," Rachel began.

"Are you dating Brian Kellers? The super gay nerd?" Kurt laughed

"Can I say something now?" Blaine stated.

"The ENEMY" Rachel yelled the last word.

This was really getting to Blaine. I mean it was his decision if he wanted to date Sebastian and he wasn't really leaking information on the setlist for sectionals. The light was making a sweat across Blaine's forehead

"Rachel is this really necessary" called Mr Shue, from the other room.

"Yes" she replied "your fraternising with the enemy, this is treason"

"Rachel, three words; Jessie St James" Kurt shot.

Bad move.

Rachel flinched

"Point, we can't trust anyone, we can't trust cowardly, egg throwing" Rachel snapped a pencil "competition."

Kurt stepped back

"What did you tell them?, Rachel stated calmly.

"Nothing, I swear" Blaine replied.

"What's his name?" Rachel asked.

"Sebastian" Blaine began. Rachel waved her hand in a forward motion "...Smythe"

Kurt coughed

"Sebastian?" He laughed

Blaine was confused. He nodded his response. Kurt just laughed.

"How long have you been dating?" Kurt began

"A few days" Blaine replied.

Kurt laughed harder. He whispered something to Rachel and she began to laugh as well.

"What?!" Blaine asked angrily.

Kurt choked for a second before he could reply "he's the biggest slut ever, amongst gay guys."


"Excuse me?" Blaine asked

"Please Blaine, I've heard of Sebastian, he spends every waking moment trying to get with guys, he spends most of his time down at the gay bar scandals." Kurt laughed.

Slut? Sebastian? No. This annoyed Blaine.

"How would you know?" Blaine shot.

Kurt froze.

"I friend told me" Kurt replied. But his shock didn't last to long before he was laughing again.

"Sebastian Smythe, Blaine he is the biggest slut there is in ohio, I still can't believe you think you guys are dating" Kurt began

Rachel joined in laughing again.

"But he told me he loved me" Blaine replied innocently,

They began laughing louder.

"RORY!" Kurt called "Rory get in here"

Soon enough Rory was in the room.

"Sebastian...Sebastian Smythe, Blaine's dating Sebastian Smythe." Kurt choked

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