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*Athena POV*

My whole body hurt I could feel the blood still running down my back, every bone in my body felt like it was going to shatter. I didn't know how long I was taken for I waited for Caleb to come save me but he never came I started to lose hope but there was something inside of me telling me not to give up.

Each day and night he would come down grabbing a hot iron and putting it on my skin burning it to a crisp I lost all feeling in my hands and knees I couldn't stand up I kept falling to the ground but I tried again and again.

My first night here he cut my back with a broken beer bottle then told me that he killed my mother because she had fallen in love with another man, he called her a bitch, a f****** retard, he told me I was useless but I never gave in. I believed that I still had hope waiting for Caleb to come but each time he did not, even though my heart was tell me not to give up my mind said something else. My heart was hurting, I could feel it breaking at the same time, I couldn't stand the pain being away from him. I cried but never gave up. He never stopped beating me and whipping me.

I didn't know if it was day or night, I heard a commotion upstairs the sound of breaking, glass woke me from my slumber. I heard shouting, swearing and objects breaking. I could hear a voice and I knew exactly who's voice that was



A gun went off. I screamed as loud as I could wish, hoping and begging that it wasn't Caleb who got shot.

The basement door opened revealing the devil but he didn't even move he just stared at my then fell down the stairs. He landed on the ground were a pool of blood started to form around him.

I looked up the stairs my eyes coming in contact with a pair of forest green eyes before I passed out.


"Okay who hit me in the head the a bowling ball" I say to myself

"Wasn't me bambino"

My eyes snap open coming face to face with Caleb's forest green eyes.

"Now you wake up after a week has past" he chuckles

"Okay mister you can hold the bitchiness because I am in terrible pain" I sass

"OH so you can sass me but I can't bitch you, what a wonderful relationship we have" he said sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Yes isn't it, I feel so sorry for all those people that don't have a relationship like we do" I say playing his little game.

"okay you need to rest but I'll be here when you wake up"

"Wait two questions 1)where are we and 2) if you ever leave me or make me stay with that devil I will slap you so hard Google can't even find you"

He let out a completely sexy laugh "Okay 1) we are in Italy where you will stay with me for the rest of you life and 2) don't need to slap me because the devil is dead"


All there was was silence

"Let me get this straight you want me to live with you in Italy" I say shocked that it took him so damn long.

"I killed your father and all you got out from what I told you was that you're living with me in Italy"

"Yeah" he smiled at me showing his dimples. He placed his lips on mine moulding our lips together. Before I could kiss him back he pulled away

"bastard" I say closing my eyes and drifting into a deep sleep.

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