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"YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH" I screamed when Daniel stopped the car.

I walked straight to my locker not caring if I push people out of the way. I manage to get to my locker but before I could put my things in, the bell decides to ring. Why does the world hate me?


Bla...bla...bla, that's all I hear from my teacher Mr McClain I was so bored of hearing the same things over again, so I did what any other person would do, I drew little sketches of how I'm gonna kill Daniel in my book.

I was so focused on my sketches that I didn't realise the crumple up piece of paper on my desk. I opened the piece of paper seeing words written on it, how do you read this it looks like someone wrote this with their feet.

'Whats with the evil pictures?' -D

I turn around coming face to face with the devil itself. When di he move? I thought Tommy sat behind me. I turned back around to write on the piece of paper.

'Their not evil, their just unique' -A

I pass it back to him, well throw it to him. A few seconds later I get hit in the head with something soft. I read the message that was written on the paper and smile.

'If their not evil then why is one guy cutting the other guys head off ?' -D

"Miss Grace, is there a problem?" I hear Mr McClain say. I quickly crumble up the piece of paper before he could see it.

"No nothing's wrong sir, just going over my notes" I smiled. Mr McClain went bake to his lesson about who knows what. I turn around and give Daniel my world famous death glare but returns it with a wink and a smile.

One day I will kill him.



The minute the bell rang I bolted out the room like my life depended on it. Not looking where I'm going I walked into someone making both of us fall onto the ground.

"Look what you did to my top you loser freak" someone screeched. I look up to see Mia in front of me with a giant coffee stain on her pink micro top.

Mia is the schools Queen B, you don't talk to her unless she talks to you, never make eye contact with her and always so what she says.

She had strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and an hourglass body. I'm not suppose to have an hourglass body but since my father doesn't like to give me feed I have one, I don't like my body due to the scars and burnt marks that cover every part of it.

"I'm so written all of my face.

"You are so going to pay for this" she got up from the floor and stormed out of the hallway leaving me on the floor looking like an idiot. I never wanted this to happen I was so happy being a nobody now I'm a somebody, great now if someone sees me limp from a beating from my dad their going try and find out what happens to me home.

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