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"I heard about your little run in with Mia" Rose laughed.

"It was an accident, not my fault" I mumble

"Yep and that's why your going to pay for it" she mimicked Mia.

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood not after Daniel kidnapped me" I say crossing my arms.

"Wait...WHAT" she screeched " he did what...tell me everything NOW." I told her how I woke up late, besides the pain from last night, Daniel taking me against my will and the passing of the crumbled up piece of paper.

"I hate him so much"

"You know Athena, you say that but you really think of him as a great friend or maybe even more"

"NO, no I hate him and nothing is going to change that" I say. Deep down I did like him as a friend maybe even more, there's something about him that's so familiar and safe even though his dangerous and bad.

"Come on no more talk more eat, to the cafeteria" she says dragging me to the cafeteria that could help satisfy her hunger needs.


"How on earth can you eat?" I ask

"What it's just a slice of pizza, a piece of chicken, a slice of cake, a burger and a pie. Nothing to big, besides it all goes to my butt and boobs"

I could feel the after affect from eating that much food and I don't even have to eat the food. I just had a granny-smith apple. "Hey Athena, why are you sitting here?" I knew that voice anywhere .Adam.

Before I could do anything I was dragged in my seat towards the back were only the 'important' people sit, including Ryder, Adam, Wes, Mia and her minions and also Daniel.

I reached the table were Ryder, Daniel and Wes were sitting. "You guys are assholes, I was so happy not getting attention drawn to me but now the whole cafeteria is looking at me" I hissed

"Wow, you peed in your bowl this morning?" Ryder says.

"Ha, ha very funny" note the sarcasm. "Why am I here anyway?"

"We just wanted to have a beautiful women sit and have lunch with us" Daniel said as if it was a stupid question.

Feeling my cheeks heat up I quickly look at Rose and see her sitting all alone "then can my friend join us please." I give my most adorable puppy face.

"Only if you tell me that I'm the most awesomesst person in the world" he smirked.

Really, that's not even a word

"Sorry not gonna happen" I say getting up and making my way to Rose. While walking I felt everyone watching me, only two important pair of eye made me feel safe and the other made my feel like I'm about to die.


Just another day at school :)

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