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"Hey loser where you going?"

I stop dead in my tracks knowing if I made another move Travis would hurt me even more. He moved from behind me to in front of me so that our faces were only inches apart. "You know if you weren't so pale and skinny to the bone you would actually be beautiful but you're not and that is why it's so fun to do this" Travis raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face making me release a death cry scream.

"There's no one to hear you scream" he laughed then punched me in the stomach. He didn't let go of me before he did it again and again, I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over.

When I didn't feel him punch me again I opened my eyes to see Travis on the floor with blood running down his face from his nose. My eyes glued on the sight of Travis I felt my chin being lifted making me tear my gaze away from Travis to a pair of forest green eyes.



"She's finally waking up" a voice says.

" Bentornato mi bello" (welcome my beautiful) and different voice says. I try opening my eyes but the bright light shines into them making me look away.

Stupid Sun

"Posso si di avere un po d'acqua" (can I please have some water) I say with a scratchy voice.

"Naturalmente il mio amore qualsiasi cosa per te" ( of course my love anything for you) the mystery voice says. I love the way his voice sounds. "Qui il mio amore" (here my love) I take the cup that was placed in my hand and drink the substances inside of it. "Bello che è necessario aprire gli occhi" (beautiful I need you to open your eyes).

Using all my energy I manage to open my eyes only to see Daniel, where did the Italian man go? "Dove è andato" ( where did he go" I say sadness written all over my voice.

"Sono qui tesoro" (I'm here right here sweetheart) Daniel says. My eyes widen at what he said, he's the guy who called me my love, my beautiful and sweetheart. "Yes I am the guy who called you all those things" I turn to face him and gave him a confused look " you say what your thinking out loud" he said crossing his arms.

I look around to see that I'm in a hospital room "how did I get here?" I ask a little worried that someone might of called my dad.

"I brought you here after i saw Travis beating you"

"What -"

"I broke Travis's nose, then brought you here after you passed out" he said looking straight in my eyes "Adam, Wes, Ryder and your friend Rose are here...do you want to see them, they're worried about you"

I saw worry in his eyes, he's worried about me "if it's not to much I would love to see them" I say softly


"Mister Winters can I please speak to you" a the doctor says to Daniel. He looks at me then walks out the room how nice.

"I'll send everyone in while I talk to the doctor" Daniel says before kissing my forehead then leaves the room.

What just happened, did I just step into an alternative world?

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