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I did not think this through. How am I supposed to get home Rose was my ride.

"Aah" I scream when I feel something warm wraps around my waist and pulls me back so that my back was against a wall.

"Shhh, Il mio amore non si deve avere paura di me" (my love you don't have to be afraid of me) a deep husky voice says sending shivers down my spine.

Oh so you wanna play that game.

"Oh mio amore e non potrebbe mai avere paura di voi" (Oh my love I could never be afraid of you) I say with as much sweetness as I could conjure up.

"I didn't know you thought that way of me" he says turning me around so that I was facing the green eyed monster who kept turning my dreams into nightmares.

"I don't I just want you hands off my waist" I say with an innocent smile.

"If that's what you want" he say moving his hands away from my waist and puts them on my butt. He gave it a little squeeze making me jump up and wrap my legs around him.

"Daniel" I say with a shaky voice.

"Yes" he says rubbing his hand against the small skin that was showing on my back.

"Put me down" I say with all the courage I could muster up. He does as he is told which surprised me "thank you"

We stare at each other for a while in silence, but not weird silence more like a comfortable silence. Daniel breaks his gaze when I lick my suddenly dry lips. He takes my hand and entwines our fingers together.

Okay my name my be the name of the smartest god but that does not me I am because right now I feel as dumb as one of those girls who get distracted by shiny objects.

He leads me toward his car and opens the door for me. "Thanks" I squeak. I climb in and watch him close the door and make his way to the driver's seat. When he's in he looks at me and I already know what that means.

Buckle up is gonna get rough

After I did so we took off like there's no tomorrow.


"Where are we going" I whine to Daniel.

"I told you it's a surprise my bambino"

"I hate surprises"

"But you love me so you'll like it"

"1) I don't love you, 2) you were supposed to take me home, I'm not aloud to be out this late and 3) why do you keep calling me my love or baby in Italian"

"1) you don't love me now but you will, 2) I will take you home after the surprise and 3) because I can" he smirked

Okay what are you up to Daniel Winters



I can't believe that jerk took me to a beautiful lagoon that had the sun setting behind it only to pick me up and throw me in the freaking cold water.

"You...should've...seen...your...face" he says between laughter.

I get out of the lagoon only to be hit by a cold wind that sent goosebumps all over my body. My teeth started to chatter and my body started to shake violently.

"Oh shit" I manage to hear Daniel say through the sound of my chattering teeth. I feel a warm feeling go through my body make my body stop shaking.

Why's Daniel so freaking warm, though I'm not complaining.

"I'm not sorry it was worth it" he says still holding me.

"I would kick you in the nuts but I'm scared that if I move some of my body parts will break off" I say wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Stay here I'll get you something warm" he says wrapping his leather jacket around my shoulders and jogging off to the car.


I feel a vibration going off in one of the pockets. Most people would ignore it but curiosity got the best of me, so I did what I could do I took out his phone to see Ryder sent Daniel a message.

I try getting into his phone but there's a password code.

What would I put as my password if I was Daniel.

I tried his name, car plate, date of birth (don't ask how I know) and even his address (again don't ask how I know) and all I get is 'incorrect answer try again'

Wait... I got it... 'Athena'

Yes I'm in now time to read the message

Ryder: how's your plan with Athena going?

What's he talking about? Well I already read it so might a well answer it.

Daniel: so far so good

Ryder: is it hard to make her fall in love with you?

WHAT... fall in love

Ryder: Daniel there's no backing out of this, make her fall in love with you then we can do plan B

I see Daniel walking back with a blanket in his hands. I quickly put his phone back into his jacket pocket and act like I didn't do anything.

So Daniel you're gonna make me fall in love with you... ha ha not gonna happen because I'm gonna make sure you fall so hard that you won't be able to recover after what I've done to you.

Get ready Daniel Winters because you're about to meet your match in this game

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