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"Stop touching me" I whined

"I'm not touching you, you're touching me" Adam whined.

"No you're touching me " I whined back

"Wes she's/he's touching me" Adam and I say in sync.

In the corner of my eye I see Ryder rubbing his temple with his hand. I look back at Wes and see him smirking while Daniel is rolling his eyes.

Adam started to poke me in the shoulder, jackass. When he tried to poke my shoulder again I swatted his hand away, next thing I know we're doing those girly cat fights when we hit each other all sissy like, with our heads turned away from each other so that we don't get hit in the eye.

The car comes to a stop, I turn to the window to see that we had stopped on the side of the road. "Why did we stop?" I turn to face Adam and see that he was just as confused as me.

I heard a car door open and see Daniel climbing out. The back seat door opens revealing the most sexiest guy I have seen. He had dark sandy blonde hair, with forest green eyes and the most perfectly shaped body a guy could ever have.

"Get out " he said, I climbed out without objecting. Daniel slammed the back door closed and lead me to the passenger seat. He climbed into the car but didn't close the door "climb in" he smirked, oh gosh his smirk is so sexy, no Athena don't think like that.

"Where?" I squeak. He held out his hand for me to tack, at first I hesitated but I took it, big mistake. He pulled me in the car so that I was sitting on his lap with his hand on the small of my back.

Before I could argue the car took off going really fast making me lean into Daniel's chest, why is he so warm? He moved his hand to my hair and started playing with it. I know this is wrong but I don't want it to end.


"So what should we do?" Wes asked.

"Why don't we smart ass go first?" I choke on my soda that Ryder gave to me.

"Good idea Adam, ladies first" Wes smirked

"W-well...our assignment i-is about-" I was interrupted by a knocking sound coming from the front door.

"I'll get that" Wes said leaving us in the kitchen.


Fear ran through my body, I knew that voice anywhere. I moved behind Daniel so that I was hidden from everyone. My hands had had a fist full of his black shirt. Silent tears were running down my cheeks; I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"Athena" he said, anger written all over his face. I stepped out from behind Daniel facing the devil itself.

"Yes f-father" I say with a shaky voice.

"Grab your thing, we're going home NOW" he said in a stern voice. I grabbed my backpack and made my way to my dad without making eye contact with him.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow" I squeaked scared of what was going to happen to me when I leave Wes's mansion. The look on their faces told me they wanted to object to me leaving but I shook my head, showing them not to interfere. Daniel took a step forward ready to speak but my dad took my hand in a death grip and started dragging me away from them.

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