My King Part - 1

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My run was refreshing and I know that I need to tell them that I've made my decision but I don't know how or when to do so. I'd do it today but it's Alex's birthday and I couldn't steal the spot light away from her so it'll have to wait. I do however know that I need a long hot shower and to finish Alex's gift before the party.

After my shower I changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans and a long sleeve striped shirt. I left my hair down and slipped my necklace on with a pair of converse. I grabbed Alex's present and some wrapping paper making sure you couldn't tell what was inside of it. When I had finished wrapping it I left to find Nik.

He was sat on his bed holding that little journal of his. He had made sure to write in it once a day and would normally have me check over it and write little side notes or my own opinions in it after he had finished. I sat down next to him and he handed me the book. I read over everything writting down a few sentences at the end before handing it back. He closed it up putting it away for safe keeping. "What's wrong Nina"? I took a deep breath and let everything spill without meaning to. "I finally figured out who my king is but I have no ideal how to tell you guys or when to do it. I mean it obviously can't be today cause its Alex's birthday and I have a headache now". He laughed at me before taking my hand in his and saying "take a deep breath love. Calm down everything is going to be fine. Gather all of us tomorrow and tell us then. Don't worry about the details just tell us the truth about how you feel, I promise it won't change anything between any of us I won't let it and neither will you". I took a deep breath and snuggled closer to Nik feeling calm and at peace next to him.

Alex looked stunning in her new outfit. Me and Bekah had gotten it for her a few weeks earlier on a shopping trip we took. I pulled her into a hug kissing her cheek and said "Happy Birthday Alex you look wonderful". She smiled saying thank you before retreating to greet more party goers. I watched her leave before turning and running smack into Lijahs chest. He caught me before I could fall and straightening me out. "Niklaus said you wanted to talk to us and I just came to tell you that we're waiting in the library for you". I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind and the worry that had overcome me with the words Lijah had spoken.

I went to the library to find Finn, Lijah, Kol, Nik, Bekah, Rick, and Avery all standing there and waiting for me. I took another deep breath as I felt the worry trying to consume me and make me turn back. Nik noticed my struggle and came over wrapping his arms around me and rubbing comforting circles into my shoulder. "Thanks Nik I needed that. Now I wanted to wait until tomorrow to do this but I finally figured out who my king was and I told Nik earlier so I guess this is his way of helping me tell you guys". I approached Bekah first knowing she was dying of anticipation and let her see how I figured it out and everything else in between. She was smiling like a fool by the end of it and had a look of happiness and pride. Next I let Avery see it all but she only looked even more confused. Last but not least was Rick. I didn't have to show him much since he'd already known everything because of the spirits. "Now they know who it is and how I came to my conclusion it's time for you guys to know". Slowly I approached Finn and pulled him in for a hug. "We both know it wouldn't have worked out Finn, your soul mate is Sage and that's who you should be with not me" I wispered into his ear while showing him what I had the others. He gave me a bright smile and nodded his head before pushing me into Lijah who caught me for a second time today. The three of us laughed and I hugged Lijah the way I had Finn wispering "I love you Lijah but you've always only been my older brother and that will never change" to him and showing him who it really was. The only people left were Nik and Kol, the hardest people to tell because it would mean choosing one of them over the other. "Niklaus we've kissed before but there was something about it that didn't feel quite right at the time. Kol you were my first love and I was yours which means we will always share a special connection but that doesn't mean that I'm going to chose you". I gave each of the boys and apologetic smile knowing that I was about to break one of their hearts. Just as I was about to tell them who it was we all heard a scream and took off to find out why and who it was.

I found Ben in the living room on the floor with a nasty werewolf bite on his arm. He was almost dead but I could still save him I bite into my wrist and forced him to drink while Nik grabbed a blood bag for him. He slowly started to heal and I pulled my wrist back from his mouth. I helped him sit up and Nik handed him the blood bag he took a drink before falling unconcious due to the werewolf venom and almost dying. I hoisted him up and threw him over my shoulder. I took him to his room and laid him in his bed saving the questions for another more appropriate time.

When I got back outside to the party Alex was blowing the candles on her cake out. I clapped with everyone else and went to retrieve her present since I had hidden it earlier that day. We all ate our cake and some ice cream before doing presents. When she opened mine she froze and I got worried about whether she liked it or not. She stared at it for a while before a huge bright smile appeared on her lips and her face lite up in excitement. "This is perfect my queen thank you so much". I had painted a picture Kol had taken of her when she was laying outside in the clearing with the sun shining on her face. "I'm glad you like it and your welcome". She continued and I walked outside with a glass of bourbon in hand.

After about twenty minutes Nik and Kol joined me obviously wanting an answer as to who my king was. "Well boys nice of you to join me but you couldn't of waited till tomorrow morning to get your answer?" I questioned. They both shook their heads no so I gave them their answer. "My king is you....".

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