I WILL Kill Him

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Nik just called and told me that Stefan has stolen our family.


"Hello lily. Promise me that you won't do anything drastic".

"Why Nik and hello to you too".

"Well you have to promise before I can tell you".


"You didn't have to scream. Stefan has stolen our family".

"WHAT? I WILL kill him Nik. I will rip his heart out then his head off".

"See this is why I didn't tell you. Calm down lily I'll handle it. I got Bekah back didn't I"?

"Niklaus Mikaelson so help me god I WILL kill him then I'm slapping you silly for even thinking I'm letting you handle this alone. Their my family too Nik. I love all of you and to even think that something could happen to them infuriates me".

"I know lily. Just be careful I can't lose you too".

"We're not losing anyone Nik. Not now not ever".

"Okay lily. Goodbye, I love you".

"Bye Nik, love you too".

I asked the spirits for help and they told me where I could find my family and that I better move fast. I vamp speed to the location to find Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, and Stefan Salvatore. Bonnie fell to the floor unconcious because of the spirits. Damons and Stefans rings quit working and they had to hide in the shadows. I used my magic to make them fall unconcious and snapped their necks for god measure. I went into the rooms to find Abby Bennett trying to open Esthers coffin I quickly feed her some blood before snapping her neck as well the witch's didn't like that but couldn't do anything to me about it either. I opened Finns casket first making sure he was safe, then Kols, Elijahs, and finally Bekahs. I called Nik telling him where to come get our family's bodies while I took care of Stefan and Damon. I took them home and to my torture room where I chained them to the walls. I grabbed the stake from my boot and started the torture. I fully intended to keep them alive but that didn't mean I wasn't going to cause them pain before I compelled them and let them go. I also had Nik bring Bon - Bon with him so I could erase her memory too.

I walked out of the room and grabbed some vervain, knifes, towels, and some extra tools to use for torturing the boys but before I could make it back to the room Nik stopped me asking what he should do with our family and Bonnie. I told him to set Bonnie in the torture room with the boys and to take our family to their rooms but not to take the daggers out yet. He nodded, grabbing Bonnie and following me back to the room where Stefan and Damon were. I set everything down and got a chair for Bonnie to set in then helped Nik take our Family to rooms. When Esthers casket came through the door I took it to the spare room I had that could be used for anything. I did two different spells on the room. One so that if you walk past the room it just looks like an extra bedroom, you can't see the casket unless you enter the room. The second spell keeps everyone/thing out except for the spell caster. It also prevents anyone except for the spell caster to brake the spell. The second spell was more complex and I had to call on the spirits for help. They told me ways to draw more energy but refused to let me draw energy from them. I did as told and the spell was a piece of cake after that. Just to check and make sure it worked I had Nik try to enter then had him bring Bonnie. I threw her into the room but she stopped and fell to the floor at the threshold. I took that as a good sign and asked Nik to carry Bonnie back down stairs while I changed into some more comfortable clothes that I won't mind covering in blood.

I put on a pair of black shorts that showed off part of my wolf tattoo and a red t-shirt. I started on my way back down to torture the Salvatores but stopped when I heard my name being called. I turned around only to find absolutely no one so I continued until I realized who it was. It was the spirits. I stopped and called out to them asking what it was they needed. They answered soon after. "They can't remember anything. You have to make them forget. You can't let anyone bring Esther back she will only cause destruction and pain. Do you understand us you can't let it happen. Don't only take their memory of her away take everyone's except for you and the Mikaelsons. We'll take care of the story on the cave walls you just worry about the actual people". I nodded my head knowing they knew I understood them and what they wanted. I continued on my way until I heard Bonnie mumbling. I listened and knew she was talking to the Salvatores. I listened to their conversation from just outside the door making sure I wasn't heard or seen. "I'm going to get us out of here. When they come back I'll do a spell that'll that'll cause them so much pain that they won't know what hit them. That's when we make our run for it". They nodded their heads but I broke it up by leaning against the door frame and saying "well I mean you could try but your magic doesn't work on me Bon-Bon sorry". She tried multiple times but gave up when she realized it was no use and I was correct her magic didn't work on me. She looked almost scared when she sat back down. I walked over to the boys tearing their shirts open then back to Bonnie. I placed my index and middle fingers on her temples and started chanting the spell the spirits told me to use. It took about five minutes but all memories of Esther and the locked coffin were gone. I told Nik to take her home and place her on her couch with a grimore open and on the table next to her. He did as told and took her away.

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