How Long

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***Niks P.O.V***
It's been six days and Ninas still not come back. "Do you think she'll be gone much longer Nik"? I turned to find my little sister before focusing my gaze back out the window. "Soon Rebekah, she has to be". She came to stand beside me taking my hand and squeezing it. "Why don't you go join her Nik but be quick a storms coming and this is just the beginning" she said motioning outside where it was lightning, thundering, and the wind was blowing like it was on steroids. I nodded taking my shirt off followed by my pants and shoes. I walked outside before transitioning and running off into the woods. I sniffed Nina out finding her in a small warm cave that protected her from the wind and everything else that this storm was bringing. I laid down next to her making her head turn to me. She stood up understanding that it was time to go home and walked out of the cave.

We were home within five minutes and both transformed back. She gave a yawn and reached her hands up wanting me to hold her. I scoped her up and she fell asleep instantly. I walked into the house to find everyone standing by the window. I cleared my throat and all attention turned to us. "Do you think you could get us some clothes Lijah"? He nodded walking away while Kol, Bekah, and Finn all let out a sigh of relief and Rick walked over mumbling something and then walking away again. The wolves, witches, and vampires all seemed happy to have their queen back while I was just happy to have her back whether she was a queen or not. Lijah walked back in handing me two sets of clothing. I put mine on first before putting Ninas on her since she was in a deep sleep. Once we were both dressed I picked her back up before carrying her to her room and laying her down in her bed.

"So how'd you do it"? I was confused by this question but soon realized that he meant how I got Nina back. "She just needed someone to come and let her know that it was time to come home". Finn nodded before waking away towards her room. My brother had changed so much since he had been undaggered and he gets better everyday. He's happy to live again, he smiles, laughs, and more than anything he is proud to be apart of our family not ashamed of us and searching for ways to end the lot of us. I've also noticed changes in Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah but not as big of the ones Finn has gone through. Kol was slowly approaching me but I already knew it was about our conversation six days ago and the question I never answered so I walked towards Elijah knowing Kol wouldn't bother me if I was with him.

"I need help big brother". He looked at me like I had two heads and laughing at me. "Oh my I'm sorry Niklaus it's just you called me big brother and asked for my help. Now tell me what's so important that you do both?". I thought about a way to say this and decided it needed to be done in private. I dragged him outside onto the porch forgetting the storm until I heard a loud bang and saw lightning flash but it worked to my advantage. "I'm confused Lijah. Ninas my bestfriend, always has been, but I think it's starting to turn into something more than that and I'm not sure if I want that". He had a small smile on his face but there was also presence of a frown as he said "well it was bound to happen eventually if you don't remember she's technically supposed to chose between us. I however don't think she'd chose if it meant losing any of us, she loves us to much". I thought over his words realizing they were true but that it meant we'd all develop feelings for her whether we want to or not. I also realized that it meant she couldn't know about any of our feelings for her cause it would affect her decision. I took a deep breath letting my worry and anxiety wash away and told Lijah "Thank you Elijah, and even if we do fall in love with Nina we can't tell her non of us". He smiled giving a nod of his head and we walked back inside.

Lily slept for a day and a half before waking up. She stretched her muscles standing up and turning to look at me. "How long was I a wolf, and how long did I sleep?" she questioned. I smiled tossing a pillow at her which she caught easily and answered "six days as a wolf and one and a half days of sleep but don't worry Ricks been taking care of your queen duties. You know he's actually not so bad and he asked me to remind you that Autumn will be here later today but that we won't be going out until tomorrow". She nodded tossing the pillow onto her bed and getting changed before we both went to have lunch with everyone else. We ate hamburgers and french fries while having some idle chitchat and sharing a glass of blood. I could tell Nina was hungry and would need to feed from a human soon by the way she gulped down the contents of her cup. She had at least five before her thirst finally settled down and her fangs and eyes went back to normal. She took a deep breath and wiped the blood from the side of her lips off. She was leaning into me but made sure to have a tight grip on Kols hand making me wonder if when she did chose if it would come down to me and Kol.  

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