Welcome Home

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A thousand years later
Nik has called and told me that he had found where the doppelganger was and was going to get her and use her to break the curse that Esther put on us when she created us.

(Nik, Nina)
"Hello love"
"Hey Nik"
"I have found where the latest doppelganger is and was wondering if you'd like to join me in my journey back home to use her for the ritual and maybe use our rings."
"I would love to Nik. Do you want to meet me there or would you like to come and get me now? I miss you and wish we could always be together but we both know it's not safe and that even this little trip is a risk."
"I know love and I miss you too. I'm coming to get you now and will be there in about half of an hour so please be ready".
"Okay. Bye I love you Nik. See you soon".
"See you soon love".

I hung up the phone and packed the few things I owned. After that was finished I grabbed a towel and climbed into the shower to clean myself up. Half way through my shower Nik came in and asked "love why are you in the shower?". I laughed a little and moved the curtain just enough to let my face show. "Well Nik I was filthy and needed to clean up so here I am in the shower". He laughed and set on my bed just outside of the bathroom so we could finish our conversation while I finished my shower. "Did you know that Elijah is there and planning something with the doppelganger love?" he questioned. I thought for a moment "I knew he went home but I never did find out why. What do you think he's planning Nik?". He gave a small chuckle and said "You still watch over all of us don't you love and as far as what he's planning I'm not sure love but we'll find out with time". "Of course I do Nik you're all my family. Always and forever remember". I could tell he was remembering times from a thousand years ago just by the silence in the room. Just as he finally came out of it I was stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me. "How could I ever forget love"? I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes. He looked up and was laughing when he noticed I was only wearing a towel. "Did you forget your clothes love?" he asked with an amused tone in his voice. I turned so I was facing him nodded. I turned back around but stopped when he grabbed my shoulder. I looked at him confused till he pointed at my shoulder with a raised eyebrow. I immediately knew what he was questioning 'when did you get a tattoo and why didn't I know about it?' I smiled at how well I knew him and put up one finger up telling him to wait. I grabbed my clothes and went back to the bathroom where I got dressed with my vampire speed. As I waked back out I noticed Nik was sitting back on my bed. I smiled at him and moved my shirt and shorts so he could see the three tattoos I had. One on my shoulder, one on my thigh, and one on my wrist that was normally covered by my leather jacket which I haven't put on yet. He looked over all of them but stopped at the wolf that I had tattooed on my thigh. He smiled as he traced it with his fingers then he stopped and looked at me with a raised eyebrow asking me to explain. I took a deep breath and started "I got them a few years ago. The one on my thigh was first then a few months later I got the ones on my wrist and shoulder. I didn't tell you because we hardly ever saw each other and when we did we always had something to do and telling you I got three tattoos wasn't something I wanted to do on the phone". He nodded understanding and took off his shirt showing me his. I smiled at him as he put his shirt back on and I fixed my own along with my shorts then slipped on my jacket. I grabbed my bag and we left.

It took a while to get back home to Mistic Falls, Virginia. On the way Nik told me about his plans for when we get there. We both agreed to keep everyone safe that I should stay with him and not go out much. He says that he's got a witch willing to do a spell so that he can possess someone so that they won't know who he is and he can infulltrate the doppelganger 's group of friends. He also tells me that he has Katerina Petrova and that he gives me permission to do as I like with her. Once he says that he looks over at me and I see his eyes flash briefly with fear before he covers it at the devilish look on my face and the evil thoughts that seem to be seen through my eyes as a smirk begins to appear on my face. He looks back at the road just as we pass the welcome to Mistic Falls sign. We both let out a deep breath and Nik says "welcome home" in his overly cheery voice that let's me know how much he is dreading this. The farther we drive into town the more memories that flood my mind.

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