Ms. Mystery Girl

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We took Bekah shopping since the only thing she had to wear her dress from the 20 's. While there she discovered that she lost her necklace, the thing Gloria needed for the spell. I told Nik my idea about having to use the blood of the doppelganger to create hybrids and that it was a way for Esther to prevent him from creating them for another five hundred years since that's how long it would take for another doppelganger to show back up. He thought over it for a minute before agreeing that it could be possible but he'd wait for Gloria to confirm. Now we're sitting at the bar at Gloria 's while her and Bekah do the spell since she wore the necklace for almost a thousand years. I pour the boys both a drink before making myself one. Gloria watches me with a raised eyebrow and I shrug in response to which she laughs and continues the spell. A few seconds later Gloria says "I see a girl standing around with her friends". I notice Stefan tense but just refill his glass instead of pointing it out sure the others noticed to. I also pour Gloria and Bekah one while refilling mine and Niks glasses. As I gave everyone their drinks Gloria spoke. "You know I could really use some help tonight and since Klaus, Stefan, and Rebekah are going to be here would you mind manning the bar for a while"? I raised an eyebrow but shrugged looking at Nik for an okay. He nodded and I said sure before filling everyone's glasses for a third time.

Stefan and Nik are sitting infront of me as I pour drinks for random strangers till Stefan gets up and leaves. I watch him and notice a guy that looks a whole lot like Damon Salvatore. My anger builds ever so slightly as I look at him. My fist clench and the bottle I'm holding shatters. This catches Niks attention and he follows my gaze. Once he catches sight of Stefans brother he puts a hand on my shoulder calming me and nods his head to the seat beside him signaling for me to sit. I look over at Gloria with a raised eyebrow and she nods her head saying it's okay. I take my seat just as Damon makes his way over to us. I kept my eyes trained straight ahead of me so I wouldn't try and rip off Damons head at least till I felt Nik tense beside me I looked over to see what was wrong and saw Damon looking at me. That's when I knew why Nik tensed he went into overprotective best friend/big brother mode which I always found funny so he wasn't very suprised when he heard me laughing. Damon raised an eyebrow at me as Nik wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I smiled and kissed his cheek before Damon asked "so Ms. Mystery Girl are you going to tell me who you are or am I going to have to guess?". I smirked looking back infront of me while laying my head on Niks shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair once before kissing my forehead great full I was ignoring Damon. He watched us intently before opening his mouth and saying "well since you won't answer I suppose I'll have to guess. Um..well let's see I remember Elena say something about a girl that was there during the sacrifice that killed Jena and drank her blood like Klaus. She also mention that when they were talking she heard the girl call Klaus her best friend but it was to dark to ever see her face. Now the way he's got this whole big brother things going on I'm going to guess that your the girl Elena heard but couldn't make out". As he finished I raised an eyebrow and asked "how did Elena tell you anything if she's dead?". Damon had a look of panic that he covered quickly but I still noticed before he answered coming up with a lie "Um..well her little brother died but Bonnie brought him back to life but now he can see spirits on the other side". I could hear the truth in this and knew it was true cause the spirits told me about it but he was still lying about something. Nik was annoyed by now and got up pulling me along with him. Damon vamp speed over grabbing some little paper umbrellas and throwing them at Nik. He pulled one of them out before stabbing Damon with it. He missed his heart on purpose a few times till he thew him across the room breaking a chair. He picked up a broken piece and tried to stake Damon with it but Gloria caught it on fire saying "not in my bar take it outside" and causing Nik to drop it.

The next day when me, Bekah, and Nik went to meet Stefan only to find it empty with Stefan looking around confused but I knew it was just an act. Stefan and Bekah left while I started to tell Nik about everything I noticed today. "Stefan and Damon are hiding something and I think it has something to do with the doppelganger and Bekahs necklace. I think we need to go home Nik cause they're hiding something and the only way we're going to find out is by going home". He looked betrayed and hurt but also like he had his own doubts about it too. He gave me a final glance before he nodded and we left.

We joined Bekah and Stefan. Once there Bekah agreed telling Nik that Stefan was hiding something and asking questions about Mikael. This infuriated me and I snapped his neck making sure that he felt every second of it before either of them could even move. I was still seeing red and punched the wall my hand going straight through it. Nik quickly wrapped his arms around me pinning my hands to my sides so I wouldn't break anything else or hurt myself. I turned around in his arms relaxing in his hold. I moved my arms up wrapping them around his abdomen and buried my face into the crock of his neck. He tightened his grip and kissed my hair as he said "he can't hurt us lily remember and even if he did I doubt that he'd live much longer after. Remember what happened when he only tried to hurt Kol. You chained him to a chair with a stake through his leg and then left him there and that was after you broke his neck". I nodded into his shoulder as I pulled my face away and kissed his cheek. "I know Nik and I'd never let anyone hurt you any of you. You're my family and I'm yours. I love you. Always and forever Nik always and forever". He smiled a true genuine smile as he ran his fingers through my hair and said "I know you wouldn't. I love you too. Always and forever". We let go and loaded Stefan into the car then left and went home.

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