Torture Time

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I started with Damon. I pulled the stake from my boot slowly dragging it down his chest. He cried out in pain the farther down I went because I added more pressure. Next was the vervain. I crushed it up till it was powder and rubbed it all over his chest, down his stomach, over his face, and around his neck. The whole time he screamed in pain. I mixed some up with a jug of water and let the stake soak in it for a few minutes while I watched his blood ran down his chest and onto his pants. Once I took the stake out of the water I poured some into a cup making Damon drink all of it before I ran the stake across all of his main arteries. There was blood all over him and I was enjoying myself. Before I knew it he had passed out from blood loss and pain. I took the chance and got inside his head altering, erasing, and replaying his memories. One caught my attention it was of him dying and Elena kissing him. I used that against him and made him think that she had come to rescue him and Stefan but was way more worried for him. He mumbled Elenas name over and over again and I could tell it was getting to Stefan. I had a smirk on my face that showed nothing but evil cause I was enjoying every second of this. Stefans look of hurt and jealousy turned straight to fear when he saw my face. He knew he would get it a hundred times worse than Damon because he had stolen my family and was trying to find a way to destroy them. I watched as he gulped and called Nik into the room telling him to take Damon home but to not do anything else. He agreed watching me after looking over Damon. He could see the anger I held towards these men and how much I enjoyed watching them scream in pain because of me. He saw the darkness inside of me coming through and he saw how little I cared for anything at this moment. "You didn't flip the switch did you love"? I shook my head no and watched as he let out a sigh of relief. I chuckled slightly and waved him out so I could finish what I started.

Once Nik left I started on Stefan. I carved a N into his chest that went from just below his neck to just above his pants. Next I stabbed him in his jugular letting his blood run down before pulling out the stake. I cut along all of his main arteries before stabbing right next to his heart missing on purpose. The closer I got to his heart the more I twisted the stake so he would feel pain. He screamed out in pain so loud that he could of woken the dead with it. I took the rest of the water that was in the jug and poured it over his head. It ran down his whole body making his skin sizzle. Next I took his ring away from him and opened the curtain just enough for the sunlight to reach his feet. I slowly opened the curtain little bits at a time. The more uncovered skin the light touched the worse his screams got. After it had reached all of his skin I closed the curtain watching as he started getting weaker by the second. I ran the stake along all of the wounds that had started to heal and stabbed him again but this time in the stomach. I mixed some more vervain into another jug of water pouring it over his head yet again then opening the curtain fully while the water ran down his skin only adding to the pain. Next I used my magic and made the blood vessels in his brain bust over and over. I slowly added to that and made all of his blood boil one vein at a time until all of the blood in his body was boiling. Then I made it feel like his organs where turning to mush and finally I made his heart feel like it was exploding and slowing down at the same time. I made him experience every part of death at super speeds then finally I made drained his body of blood until he desiccated then kept going. I made it feel like he had starved for thousands of years then finally took away all of it and entering his head. While I was there I made him experience all his worst fears and every type of heartbreak possible. Not only did I torture him physically but mentally. After a while I started showing him his worst memories and his best ones but with a twist making them nightmares and the best thing no matter how badly he wanted to he couldn't flip the switch or force me out of his head. I made him live in his dreams only to watch as they crashed down around him. After what I thought was a reasonable amount of torture I started erasing and editing his memories then had Nik take him home after slipping his ring back on his finger. He looked over Stefan with a proud smirk on his face. "Did you have fun lily"? I nodded my head and replied "of course I did Nik". He nodded and left.

Once he was gone I looked over myself. I was covered in blood, sweat, and a mixture of vervain water. When I looked up I realized that not only did I need a shower but the room itself did too. I grabbed the hose and sprayed down the floor infront of the boys then started on my way to my room. I took a quick shower and got changed into another pair of shorts and t-shirt. Once that was done I went back downstairs to wait for Nik so we could finally reunite our family.

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