Nice To Meet You

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***Ninas P.O.V***
Me and Nik are supposed to spend the day with Rick and Avery when she arrives. She's supposed to get here around nine and then we're supposed to go out for lunch, bowling, skating, mini golfing, and then we'd come home for dinner. I asked Lijah if he'd prepare it for us and he agreed as long as I helped make breakfast.

I just finished my run and walked through the door and into the kitchen pouring a glass of blood and chugging it down. The boys were staring at me and I heard a throat get cleared. "Well someone seems to of had a long run". I giggled at Ricks statement turning around and sipping on another glass full of blood to notice a girl hanging off his arm. I smiled politely and Bekah asked "how long did you run today?" pulling my attention to her. "Well I woke up early and have been out there ever since. I think it was about six". She shook her head at me while Finn said "shesh little red that was three hours ago. Take it easy, your gonna hurt yourself". I wiggled my finger and wispered "No I'll be fine. I love to run it gives to clear my mind and relax plus it keeps me strong. I missed six days because I was a wolf so I had some time to make up anyways. Now Lijah are we gonna make breakfast after I get cleaned up?". He nodded and I headed off to my room.

After my quick shower I tossed on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with my leather jacket and converse. I walked back to the kitchen to find Lijah waiting for me. We decided to make french toast and smoothies for everyone. I again did all the work while he instructed but I have to admit it helped alot. He went to set the table while I finished up. "Thanks for teaching me how to do this Lijah". He smiled at me and said "No problem Eli, I like spending the time with you. I love you Eli and I miss being close like we were when we were still human". I had a sad smile on my face and turned pulling him into a hug which he returned. "I miss it too, Lijah". We hugged for a few more seconds before I pulled away.

I turned around to place the French Toast on a plate I noticed the girl who had been hanging off of Rick this morning. "Hey, you must be Avery". She nodded before a huge smile formed on her lips. "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you Nina". I reached my hand out for her to shake a bright smile of my own forming and said "it's nice to meet you too. Ricks told me so much about you. Oh and this is Elijah but I call him Lijah". She shook my hand before doing the same with Lijah. He wrapped an arm around my waist and taking the plate with the food on it to the dining room. "So you and Elijah, huh"? I looked back to Avery confusion clear on my face before I realized what she was implying and started laughing at her. Wiping a tear away I said "oh I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh cause technically we could be but right now we're not. I have to chose between all the boys but the spirits said I already know I just can't admit it to myself yet". She nodded and I called everyone for breakfast.

We all enjoyed breakfast with me sitting between Kol and Nik and wolfing down my food. I had my head resting on Kols shoulder and had one of his hands our fingers intertwined. He tilted his head kissing the top of my head and I noticed how Nik got tense. I reached over grabbing his hand and running my thumb along his knuckles. He relaxed and kissed the top of my head like Kol had while I squeezed his hand in reassurance. Rick looked up at me and raised an eyebrow so I motioned for him to follow me out. I led him to the little clearing in the woods where a little stream from the lake had been formed from the storm. "You're going to have to chose sooner or later Nina and if I were you I'd make it sooner". I sat down with a heavy sigh feeling as if the wait of the world was on my shoulders, which it kinda was. "Yeah I know and I hate that no matter what happens I'm going to hurt the people I care about most". He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner. "If I may offer some guidance sweet girl then don't worry about hurting them focus on who makes you happy, the person that you think about from the time you wake up till the time you fall asleep, the one that can make you smile and laugh even though your having a mental break down, who knows you inside and out all the flaws, perfections, silly little dreams, the way you smile, laugh, walk, hide behind a wall when you don't want people to know how deep your emotions run, your fears, everything anyone could possibly know, your bestfriend, and the person you couldn't imagine living without. Don't let your heart hold you back but instead lead you forward". I thought over Ricks words and realized what he said was true I shouldn't let my love for them hold me back but use it to learn from and to help me make my decision.

Me and Avery got along great but Rick and Nik had some issues. Overall we had an amazing day together that was fun and let us get to know each other and just kinda loosen up. The only problem was that we were all exhausted from our long day together. Lijah prepared a spectacular dinner. We all ate and then went straight to bed after. It had felt as if my batteries had been completely drained and I could hardly stand up I had been so tired. 

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