Time for a Ball

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Me and Nik have decided to host a masquerade ball to celebrate our return home. We are holding it at my mansion on the entire first floor since everyone in Mystic Falls was invited. We have decided that once everyone arrives we will make our appearance. The boys will head down the stairs first then will wait at the end. Next Bekah goes down and takes Lijah and Finns arms walking to the dance floor. Next will be me. I'll stop half way down and announce the dance we will be doing. I will then continue down the stairs linking arms with Nik and Kol who will lead me to the dance floor. I'll be wearing a black dress and a red and black mask. I have decided to leave my hair in waves that go down my back ending at my elbows. The only person who has seen my dress is Bekah and she says that I look absolutely breath taking.

It is now eight o'clock and everyone has arrived. It's time to start asending the stairs. Kol goes first keeping silent as he does. Then it's Niks turn, he however greets the quest. "Hello, welcome to our lovely home. Enjoy yourselves tonight". After him is Elijah who stays silent the way Kol did. He is followed by Finn who says "I'm sorry you'll have to excuse my brothers they just don't like big gatherings". I laugh at that and give Bekah a reassuring smile as she looked like she was about to puke. She smiled back then was on her way. Once she had reached the bottom of the stairs she linked arms with Lijah and Finn who lead her to the center of the room where everyone had parted so they could dance. Lijah leaves them pulling a random girl onto the floor with him and taking his place beside Finn. I'm up next, slowly asending the stair case with my hand on the rail. Everyone looks to me and freezes. I give a bright smile that shows off my pearly white teeth and stop walking to tell them about the dance. "Whenever we host a celebration we like to start the evening off with a dance. Now if you'd like to join us once we are all on the dance floor then all you have to do is find a partner". I continued down the stairs and stopped on the last step. Two hands reached out infront of me and I took them both then stepped off. I smiled at each of the boys then linked our arms. "You look absolutely breath taking darling". My smile grew at the compliment and I wispered "you don't look to bad yourself. Thank you for the compliment Kol" to him. He smiled while Nik pouted. This caused me to giggle and I ran my thumb over his jacket sleeve. "Don't worry Nik you look wonderful too". He gave a slight smile trying not to let it show and said "Thank you lily and our brother is right you look stunning". I gave a nod in thanks as he left to get a dance parter but nearly sneered when I saw it was Caroline. I was happy for Nik but I knew she would only cause him pain and heartbreak. "Jealous love"? I shook my head and refocused on Kol "No more like worried. She's only going to hurt him and most likely try to kill him and it worries me". He looked me in the eyes finding what he was looking for seconds later and nodded in understanding. He squeezed my hand in assurance and pulled me closer to his body. I smiled at him before kissing his cheek and wispering "Thank you" into his ear. He smiled back and we focused on the dance.

I've watched Mayor Lockwood go up and talk to all of my family members but she can't seem to approach me. She's now over at the bar and I could use a drink so what the hell right. I slowly approach signaling the bartender to get my drink. I sit down next to her and she tenses. I can tell she is afraid of me and it makes me smirk. I down my drink ordering another before I look over at her with a raised eyebrow. She looks over at me gulping and starts to explain with a shaky voice. "Umm.. well I thought that since your the one that protects them and has killed the most people that maybe I should ask them to keep you in line but they all told me the same thing 'she's not going to listen to me. She's her own person and not even Nik can control her he can calm her but not control her' and that's really starting to creep me out. I mean I'm supposed to take care of my town and if no one can control you then how am I supposed to do that". I laughed at her and walked away. I found Nik without Caroline and quickly grabbed his hand pulling him with me. Once we started dancing he raised an eyebrow to me. I just shrugged squeezing his hand tighter. He smiled and pulled me closer to him. I smiled back laying my head on his shoulder after kissing his cheek. We were eventually pulled apart by Lijah who wanted to dance. We dance for a single song before Finn cut in. "You look beautiful little red". As soon as he said it I looked up and saw that he had remembered something from our past. He bent down and wispered "I remember it all". I couldn't believe it but then heard the spirits wispering. I focused in on their voices and heard a familiar voice. It was the voice that told me what I needed to do and what I am. "It's true child Esther has lost her magic and the spell that was done to keep her alive has been removed so she is now truly dead and the spell to erase their memories of you is slowly wearing off. Soon they'll all remember everything but for now it's only Finn, Klaus, and Rebekah. Now there is a spell that you can do to remove it completely but it uses blood of the doppelganger". I was pulled away from the voice by a squeeze to my hand. When I looked up I saw Finn he gave me a nod letting me know he'll help. I told him to escort Elena to the torture room where I could set things up to do the spell he agreed and we split up.

Once Elena walked in with Finn I asked him to make sure the door was closed. He did as asked and checked before coming back over to me. "I'm going to need your blood". He nodded giving me his hand. I cut it and let the blood drip into the bowl. After that I had him sit down while I did the spell. Next I needed Elenas blood she looked terrified and let me do as I wished. I cut her hand the way I did Finns and let her blood mix with his. I added a little vervain and wolf's pane into it stirring with a wooded spoon. I set it on the window sill letting the moonlight cover it the way sunlight would then slowly started chanting while I bit into my hand and let my blood mix with theirs. Once everything was finished I poured it into a bottle of champagne letting it mix with the contents while I finished the spell. I knew the spell well as I had studied it multiple times before but had no doppelganger to use so I knew that it would make all of us linked but only long enough for them to see the memories then it was over. I called a waiter in and handed him the bottle making sure that every glass filled had just enough in it before filling it the rest of the way with actual champagne. Everyone was given a glass and I proposed a toast. "To family always and forever". Everyone drank and Finn meet me half way and offered his hand I took it and let him lead me away. He took me outside to the garden and set me down on the bench next to him. It was cold and my dress wasn't helping at all. When the wind blew I shivered causing Finn to stand up and take off his jacket draping it over my shoulders. "Thank you Finn". He nodded before saying "it's weird but remembering all of these things it makes me want to question everything that I've known or done since we became vampires but it's also made me realize that being one isn't as bad as it seems because if I wasn't one then I would of died and never gotten to remember the one girl that I thought if as a sister. I mean yes there's Bekah but we were never close and even though we weren't either we were still closer than me and here were you were my friend. You were everyone's friend and you were our family. Remembering you and knowing these things makes me happy and glad to live again". I understood what he ment and hugged him tight letting him know that I'm here for him. After a while we went back in. He was holding my hand, his jacket still draped over my shoulders when he led me to Nik who wrapped an arm around me leading me in a dance. We stayed like that for a while before the music ended and the party was over. We led Lijah, Finn, Bekah, and Kol to the stage where we told everyone it was over and time to go home. I gave Finn his jacket back then kissed everyone's cheeks telling them goodnight and walking to my room.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt then removed my makeup. I brushed my teeth quickly before climbing into bed. I turned off the lights and stared up at the ceiling for awhile before finally falling to sleep.

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