I'm Tired

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I haven't slept since I dreamt about Lijah. I drink lots of coffee and my anger has risen to levels that go beyond rage. Nik has seemed to notice and so has Lijah but no one else. The good thing about being a vampire is that we don't get bags under our eyes and not sleeping can't kill us.

"Okay spill what's your problem Nina"? I looked up to see an angry Finn standing infront of me which really pissed me off. "I don't know what you're talking about but even if I did it's none of your business". He scoffed walking away from me but then Nik walked in with Lijah and Kol. A minute later Finn came back in standing beside them and without realizing it I shattered the cup in my hand. I unclinched my fist and little shards of glass fell to the floor while the rest were stuck in my palm. I slowly picked them out throwing them into the garbage and taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry about what I said Finn I'm just really tired". He nodded in understanding and Nik raised an eyebrow. "When was the last time you slept lily. Oh wait no don't answer let me guess. Since you dreamt of Elijah because you don't like the ideal of having feelings for us because your not supposed to have feelings for your best friends and family but you do lily. Now you can either except that or you can except that but no matter what you chose you are going to sleep and you're doing it now even if I have to force you to get into the bed and hold you down until you fall asleep. Do you understand me?". I nodded standing up and walking to my room with the boys following behind me. "Fine I'll sleep but only if you sleep with me now you know how this works lay down". Nik layed down and I climbed ontop of him. Kol laid down on his right and Lijah on his left with Finn at our feet. They all wrapped their arms around me except Finn who couldn't instead he held onto my right foot. I got comfortable falling asleep within seconds knowing there was no use in fighting them on this.

I heard soft steady breathing and it relaxed me. I opened my eyes to see Finn underneath me with a smile on his face that made me want to melt. I placed my hands on his chest reaching up and kissing him. "Good morning kitten". "Good morning tiger". He kissed me again and I laid my head back down on his chest. He played with my hair and wispered "I love you but we do have to get out of bed sometime today". I smirk before saying "yes sometime today but not right now. Right now we're going to stay right here in this bed, I'm going to continue laying ontop of you, and you are going to kiss me then play with my hair some more". He laughed kissing me before I laid my head back down and he started playing with my hair again. A few minutes later we both drifted off to sleep.

When I did truly wake up Nik was under me awake along with Finn and Lijah but Kol was still asleep. I looked at him a small smile appearing because of his peaceful state. I moved off of Nik so that I was sitting next to Kol. I put a hand on his chest going into his head.

I sat down next to Kol causing him to turn and look at me. "Well I know I'm dreaming which means that you're awake and inside my head". I giggled replying "yes I'm awake and so is everyone else. Now I'm leaving just wanted to let you know". He smirked grabbing my hand and and asked "Why are you really here darling?". It irritated me that he knew me so well but it was also really sweet. I sighed not wanting to answer but I did anyways. "I like your being in your head Kol it's always calm and relaxing whereas not in your head I'm supposed to be a queen and I dream of being in relationships with my best friends the people I think of as brothers. Why does everything have to be so complicated all the time?". He wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer and wispered "life is always going to be complicated darling whether you're in my head or not. I love you and the fact that you chose me as a way to escape but we both know that that's all it is a way to escape for a little while, eventually you and I both have to face reality whether we like it or not. You can't control what you're dreaming about and even if you could I don't think that it would bother any of us that you're dreaming about having a relationship with us. We all love you darling and it would be odd but still astounding to be with you". I didn't say anything in response cause he already knew what I was thinking.

I moved my hand from Kols chest placing it on his cheek and wispered "it's time to wake up baby". He groaned and his eyes opened only to close again because of the sunlight that was coming through the window. Slowly he reopened them and sat up my hand falling from his cheek as he did so. By now Bekah had joined us and was sat at the end of the bed next to Finn. I moved so I was next to her taking her hand and showing her the dream. She smiled through the whole thing and wispered "I've never seen him like that Ina it's extraordinary how you could make him so happy all of them happy". I smiled at her and moved again to sit next to Kol. I placed my hand on his leg showing him the way I did Bekah. He was suprised and amazed all at the same time. Next was Nik who was already next to me as he hadn't moved since I woke up. I placed my hands on his shoulders letting him in. After Nik was Lijah who was on the other side of Nik. I climbed over Nik and fell into Lijahs lap do to the fact my foot got caught in one of my blankets. We all laughed and I placed my hand on his forearm. Once he'd seen the same things the others had I climbed out of his lap to the end of the bed sitting behind Finn. I put my hands in his hair messing it up while also showing him what I had dreamt.

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