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***Kols P.O.V***
Alone, this is how I felt for a thousand years. My family was divided and anyone I cared about eventually died because they were human. I always felt lonely like I had no one and like there was something missing from my life. For the longest time I thought that it was the magic I once had but then when we got undaggered and I saw Nina I didn't feel as lonely and it lessened little bits at a time until I no longer felt that way. I finally felt loved, cared for, and whole and knowing that she'd always been there warmed my heart.

I felt someone watching me and opened my eyes to see Nina at my door with a tear stained face. I lifted my cover and she climbed into the bed next to me laying her head on my bare chest. She sniffled wiping her tears away and I wrapped my arms around her. "Why are you crying darling"? She mumbled an answer but I didn't understand and asked her to repeat herself. "Just a bad dream" she repeated with a shaky voice. I tightened my grip on her and used one of my hands to tilt her head so she was looking at me. She knew I knew she lied to me but smiled great fully when she realized I wasn't going to push her. I wiped a stray tear away with my thumb and kissed her nose which made her giggle and snuggle closer to me. She soon fell asleep with her head on my chest and my fingers tangled in her hair. I was relaxed and soon drifted off to sleep as well.

I opened my eyes expecting to see Nina but instead I saw my extra pillow on top of my shirt covered chest. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up before dragging my hand down my face. I thought about my dream and how it wasn't the first time I had dreamt about her and realized that I had feelings for her that weren't just friendship and sisterly love, I was in love with her. I couldn't tell her that but I needed to talk to someone so I went to Niklaus 's room.

I found him sitting on his bed with a book in his hand. He looked up with a frown on his face and closed the book motioning me to sit down with him so I did. "What can I do for you little brother?" He asked his tone annoyed and harsher than when he's with Nina. With her his tone is caring, sweet, and soft like she's fragile and if he isn't gentle she'll break but we both know she won't which let's me know that he truly cares about her. "I think I'm in love with our bestfriend and I don't know what to do Nik. I mean how am I supposed to tell her when she might not even end up choosing me, you've seen her other dreams she's just as happy with you guys as she is with me?". He laughed at the panic in my voice and put a hand on my shoulder while saying "take a deep breath Kol. Now listen to me and really listen. I have no clue who she'll chose but I do know that you can't tell her because if you do she'd chose you just because she'd feel like she has to. She could never hurt you Kol and if you tell her and she doesn't chose you she'd always feel guilty about breaking your heart so she'd chose you and then you'd doubt if her choosing you was because of that or if she actually wanted to be with you. My point is don't do it now wait until she's really chosen to be with you because then you'll know how she feels. Remember her dream about you she asked and you told her, she wasn't with anyone else it was you. It's always been you". I almost didn't hear the last sentence and was confused as to what he meant so I turned to look at him to see jealousy playing acrossed his features even though he was trying to mask it. As I watched his face I realized that maybe I wasn't the only one who had feelings for her and that there was something I didn't know that he did. "Niklaus what do you mean it's always been me and are you in love with her too"? He looked startled like he had forgotten that I was still here but before he could the door opened and Nina came in jumping onto the bed and landing between me and Nik. She laid her head on his shoulder not yet realizing I was here too. "Good morning Nik". His mood brightened and he smiled at her saying "Good morning Lily. How'd you sleep?". She frowned answering "terrible I had four dreams one of each of you and it's driven me nuts. I mean seriously can't I just get one peaceful night of sleep without having the spirits fill my head of visions that leave me even more tired than I was before but I know that it's one of their test so I'm not letting it bother me, you?". He laughed at her ranting before saying he slept good and he handed her the book. She opened it and he handed her a pen. She started to write and I was completely forgotten s was Nik as she let herself get lost in the writting. She wrote for like ten minutes before closing the book and handing it back to Nik. "Thanks Nik love you. Now I'm going to go wake up Kol cause he's the only person who's still asleep well at least he was when I checked on him thirty minutes ago. Come on help me please plus I have to show you guys my dreams anyways so yep". She pouted when he shook his head no but stopped when she finally realized I was right next to her. "Oh, good morning Kol. Now come on you two let's get this over with". She held both of our hands and I was living in her dreams of us. With me we spent the day outside playing games like when we were human, with Nik they spent the day painting, with Elijah they went to town and went bowling, skating, and to see a movie, and finally with Finn they spent the day being lazy in bed while reading, writting, and drawing. When we'd seen everything she let our hands go and stood up shaking her head to clear her thoughts. She placed a hand on her forehead closing her eyes and the next thing I know Nik has her in his arms and she's passed out. He lays her on his bed feeling her forehead to pull it away quickly and shake it out. A few seconds later and he's falling to the floor. I catch his arm and pull him onto the bed next to her only for everything to turn black around me.

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