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I've never been the girl who planned their wedding day, I didn't mind getting dirty and playing rough, I was a tomboy growing up and still am yet here I stand in a long white, lace dress with my hair done up, makeup on my face, jewelry on, and a veil and tiara ontop my head. Today was my wedding day and I was absolutely stunning no doubt about it but more than anything I was a complete wreck. I looked to Bekah and Avery for some help but they only gave me reassuring smiles and said I'd be fine. I sat down in front of my vanity mirror just as I heard the door to the room open. I turned around to see Rick standing there and knew that it meant I would be going down the aisle here very soon. "Girls can you give us a minute"? They nodded walking out of the room. He let out a sigh and sat on the couch that had been placed in here probing his feet up on the table. "Calm down Nina. Take a deep breath, give yourself a peep talk, do whatever you need to but get it together please. We all knew this would happen sooner or later. I mean come on he's your king, you love him he loves you, don't let your fears keep you from doing this because in my opinion this needs to happen and what better time than the present, right". I did as told and took a deep breath. As I released my breath my fears started to reside and my head got filled with thoughts about him. "Thanks Rick I really needed that. Also thanks for walking me down the aisle, it helps to know your here for me and support my decision. I just wish the others would to". He nodded and offered me his hand helping me back to my feet. I link my arm and his and we started down the aisle. The second I saw him standing there and waiting for me my breath was taken away and I was thrown into the memory of our engagement.

I woke up to find him gone but in his place a plate staked with pancakes and a little note card. As I ate I began to read what the note.

Dear Nina,
Good morning. I'm sorry I didn't get to wake you up but I had some things to take care of. At noon I need you to go out to the lake there you will find the instructions you will need to finish the game. Yes I said game, I know your love for them and have turned today into just that but with something special as your reward. Now I'll see you later but until then I love you and can't wait to see you.

P.S-wear a fancy dress but make sure it's still comfortable and easy to move in.

I smiled and finished eating before getting up and taking a shower. When I had finished I put on a dress like he had told me and went outside to find the next instructions.

I played until the sun was setting without a single sight of him. I had just received my final instruction which was to meet him at the park for my reward. He was sat on a blanket with food surrounding him. He stood up and took my hand in his. He kissed me before sitting down and pulling me along with him.

After we ate he laid back starring up at the stars overhead and let out a sigh of worry and happiness. He stayed like that for about a minute before he stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and he led me away. We walked until we were at the edge of the little pond the park had. I was looking out at the water but soon turned around to see him on one knee with a little velvet box in hand. He opened it up and began "I know that this is kinda soon but I love you Nina and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. So please will you marry me and make me one of the luckiest men on Earth?". I couldn't speak or breath I was completely frozen out if shock and he knew that so he waited patiently for my answer. When I had finally thawed I felt tears running down my face from pure happiness and pulled him to his feet. I kissed him with so much love and passion that it suprised the both of us. When I finally pulled back I said "yes you idiot of course I'll marry you". He chuckled slipping the ring onto my finger and picked me up twirling me around.

I was pulled back to reality by the sound of his voice and looked up to see him infront of me. I was beaming and so was he. We said our I Do's and vows each slipping our wedding bands onto the others fingers. "You may now kiss the bride". I gave a huge, bright, truly happy smile just before I felt his lips on mine. Everything stopped and time ceased to exist when we shared that kiss. It felt off magic, love, peace, and unity and I knew that it was real nit just a dream I had created in my head.

I changed from my wedding dress for our reception into my regular everyday clothes since I wouldn't have been able to dance with my heels and long dress on. We were supposed to eat then do cake, followed by a few speaches, and then finally we dance. Everything was beautiful and fun but there was something unreal about it all. It was almost to perfect but somehow I knew there was truth behind it all. I was completely happy and all my worries and fears forgotten at least until the dancing part. We were perfectly fine just dancing away but then came a song I knew all to well as I'd danced to it with the other Mikaelson men and it truly hurt that they had boycotted our wedding because I had chosen him but they did say that we were still family and they'd always love me so that's a plus. He of course noticed the change in my mood and pulled me closer wi
spering comforting words into my ear. I relaxed into him letting my sadness drift away once more today. Eventually we left while everyone cheered.

I jumped awake with a gasp and sat up in my bed. I ran my hands through my hair trying to clear my head of the dream and how I felt during it but it wasn't working so I decided to go for a run. The hour had just changed when I finished changing. I grabbed my water bottle making sure to fill it up with blood instead of water since I'd been extremely thirsty the past couple of days and left. I eventually got tired and stopped in the clearing. I thought over the dream and how I felt during it, I let myself think about who I'd chose and that's when I realized that the spirits were right I did already know who my king was I was just scared to admit it because it would mean hurting the people I cared for most.

Okay guys, who do you think he is? Who do you want him to be? I want to know your guys opinion so please be sure to vote and comment.  Maybe you want to see something happen between her and one of the boys or maybe you'd like them to have a lazy day off but I won't know unless you tell me so please please comment what you'd like to read in this story. 

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