Formal Introductions

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We were on our way home when Stefan started to wake up again. Nik has snapped his neck every time he has woken up but I can see mischief playing in his eyes now. He signals for me to bring Stefan to him and I do. I see fear cross over Stefans face when I get close to him. I gave a sweet smile and pulled him up by his arm. I sit him down next to Nik and sit myself down on his other side. He turns his head to Nik and I finally understand Niks plan. He wants me to break his neck since he's gotten to all the other times but first he wants him to know where we are. Just as we pass the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign Stefan tensed and I snapped his neck while Nik said "welcome home Stefan".

It was now dark out and I just heard some kids talking about senior prank night. I told Nik and he agreed that we should go to the high school and get me formally introduced to these idiots. We got back into the truck and Nik drove us to the school. Once we were inside Nik sent Bekah to fetch Tyler while we went to the gym. On our way there we ran straight into Elena well more like she ran into Nik then tried to run away but I vamp speed infront of her while Nik grabbed her arm and we finished our walk to the gym. When we reached it Nik yelled out "Prank night is over. Everyone go home you have been caught". I continue walking farther into the room over to the bleachers which I start to climb on. "Okay monkey get down before you fall and I have to catch you" Nik called out to me so I jumped down and sat on the floor with my arms up like a toddler. "Hold me Nik I'm tired". He laughed but walked over and picked me up anyways. I laid my head on his shoulder after kissing his cheek. He walked us over to the center of the gym where he set me down but kept an arm wrapped around me. Bonnie and another guy walked in followed by Caroline. Bonnie noticed Nik and tried to use magic on him but I blocked it with mine. Nik noticed and raised an eyebrow to me but no one else was paying attention to me. The guy Bonnie walked in with that I now know as Matt finally noticed me and asked "who are you?". I smiled and said "ah is it already time for formal Introductions. I suppose it would only be proper to do so to the only person who actually noticed my presence other than Nik so here goes. I am Nina Elizabeth Knight. I am an original hybrid like Nik is and his bestfriend. If you even think about hurting him I WILL kill you after I torture you that is.". I climbed up onto Niks back tired of standing and Elena finally recognized me and said "you were the girl that I didn't recognize that killed my aunt Jena and helped him to kill me when he was doing that stupid sacrifice weren't you". "You caught me I am that girl but hey your still alive so that doesn't count". Me and Nik laughed together as I climbed down and held onto his shoulder so I wouldn't fall on the floor from laughing so hard. We finally calmed down and it was time for the serious talk. "Now I've been trying to create hybrids but something seems to go wrong. Now I'm guessing it has something to do with you being alive". I smiled to Nik and signaled for Bekah. She through me Tylers body which I easily caught. I held his head and feed him my blood as Nik finished. "Now Bonnie I suggest you find a solution and for Tylers sake I'd make it snappy" and with that I broke Tylers neck. Everyone screamed and came rushing over. I picked him up giving his body back to Bekah. "By the way this is Rebekah mine and Niks sister well not actually mine but you get the point". Bekah smiled at me and Nik walked over picking me back up after kissing my forehead. I smiled and laid my head onto his shoulder. He brushed my hair back and walked over to the bleachers sitting down and put me in his lap. "Go to sleep lily I'll be here when you wake" he told me brushing my hair back once again. "Okay Nik. Goodnight I love you. I'll see you when I wake". "I love you too. See you when you wake" I fell asleep almost instantly after that giving Nik a kiss on the cheek right before.

***Niks P.O.V***
I looked up from Nina to see everyone watching us with shocked expressions. I smirked as Stefan walked in. He noticed lily sitting in my lap asleep and walked over kissing her forehead before saying "I'm sorry for everything honey sleep well in Klaus 's arms the way you normally do". As if she heard him she reached up grabbing his hand before dropping it and cuddling closer to me. "Look I'm sorry I'll do anything let's just leave. You, me, honey, and Bekah we'll leave and you and Nina can find some witch to figure this all out then you can turn all the hybrids you want". I nodded handing him lily and walking over to Elena. "Fine I'll just kill her and we'll leave". As I said kill he dropped lily and vamp speed over to Elena but I was already gone catching lily from hitting the floor. She opened her eyes already knowing everything. She looked beyond angry and stood up straight stalking towards Stefan. He looked terrified and gulped while I stood watching with a smirk on my face. She grabbed his ear dragging him to the center of the room. Once there she looked calm which made me step back. Elena being the pathetic, stupid, human being she is slowly approached her. I knew she wouldn't kill Elena cause she thinks she might be the solution but she sure as hell would hurt her that or hurt Stefan knowing she would be hurting Elena. Nina had a sickly sweet smile on her face letting me know that she was about to go on a rampage. She turned her head to me giving me the look that meant she was planning something. I was proud of my little lily, who was actually three days older than me, for being so violent. She slapped Elena sending her flying into the bleachers then she looked Stefan in the eyes and said "it hurts for me to do this since neither me nor Nik have had to all summer. Kill them Stefan. Don't hesitate, don't care, just kill them". Elena protested but he had already killed Dana who I had compelled earlier. He didn't stop he didn't care he didn't hesitate he did exactly like lily said not even paying attention when Elena screamed for him to stop repeatedly. I could tell she wasn't done just yet as she walked over to the teachers office. She set the score board clock for twenty minutes and came back down starting it. She made her way back to Stefan who looked slightly like he was in a daze. "When the timer buzzes I want you to drain Elena of her blood. Don't stop until she's dead and if she tries to run break her limbs starting with her legs". He looked worried and Elena looked scarred as she called out "you better hurry witch you have less then twenty minutes before I kill you all". She went to Elena and collected a vile of blood clearly wanting to test her theory. She left the gym after telling Stefan to watch her until she got back. I stayed for a few seconds then followed her out.

She handed Tyler who had just woke up the blood while Rebekah looked through pictures on Carolines cell phone. Rebekah stopped abruptly while Nina forced Tyler to drink. He cried out in pain while clutching his head. He fell to his knees and when he looked up he had fangs and glowing yellow eyes. She smirked before vamp speeding back to the gym where Stefan was resisting feeding on Elena and the buzzer was sounding. Elena was in the corner with a scared expression yet again. I swear I think that's the only look she has sometimes. "Turn it off" I heard being screamed and turned to see Nina compelling Stefan to flip his switch which me nor Nina have done thanks to the other. It took a moment but then Stefan looked at her emotionless. "Welcome back ripper now drink". Elena gulped and Stefan vamp speed over drinking her blood. He had only took a few sips before Nina was behind him snapping his neck. She knocked Elena unconscious then threw her over her shoulder while grabbing Stefans hand and dragging him outside. She left me with Stefan and took Elena to the hospital where she compelled a doctor to drain her blood.

A while later Nina came back with a box full of blood bags. She compelled Stefan to stay here and look after Elena and climbed into the truck. As we left she called Bekah and asked her to play spy for us while we were gone. Bekah agreed as long as Nina called everyday to check in. Nina told her to pretend to hate me and that we left her there all by her lonesome. She also told Bekah about our past and our mother so Bekah would know which for some reason she thought she should. After they talked me and Bekah talked. I apologized for our mother but made it clear that if they tried to use it against me that she had to play along. She agreed and said goodbye to the both of us before hanging up. The rest of the drive was made up of small talk until lily got tired and we traded spots while she fell asleep. I heard her mumble in her sleep and smiled as she had said "I love you". A few minutes later she mumbled again causing me to grow curious. I placed my hand on her head and closed my eyes after pulling over so we wouldn't cause a car accident.

I watched as Kol held Nina above his head spinning around in circles with me and Elijah watching. She was laughing with her hands on Kols shoulders to keep herself up. He finally set her down on her feet only to have her jump up onto his back. He caught her placing his hands on her butt to keep her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder so she was looking at me and Elijah with one of her hands playing with his hair. "I love you all. You're my family and I don't know what I'd do without you". As she said those final words the scenery shifted to a dark night in the center of a town. There were dead bodies everywhere and in the center covered in blood was Nina. She had a tear stained face and her red hair was even more red. I watched as I walked over to her pulling her into my arms. "It hurts Nik they don't remember me. The people I love more than anything in this world don't remember me. How am I supposed to do this huh cause I don't see a way to make the pain go away other than flipping the switch which I can't do cause I promised you". I pulled her closer and wispered "I know it hurts Nina. It will never stop hurting but you have me you will always have me. You can get through this you can get through anything you just have to believe in yourself and don't forget I'm here to help if you ever need me I'm here for you. I love you Nina. Always and forever". She nodded and wispered "I know Nik. I love you too. Always and forever" back to me.

I pulled my hand away from her head brushing her hair back a final time before pulling back onto the road. While we were driving Nina grabbed my hand and wispered "Thank you Nik. Not just for now but for everything you've ever done for me. I love you, your my family. Always and forever". I smiled looking over at her and kissing her forehead while I wispered back to her. "Your welcome lily I love you too and you'll always be my family. Always and forever lily". I looked back up to the road to see two bright light infront of us and then black.

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