Elijahs Turn

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Light kisses were being scattered across my skin and made my heart skip a beat already knowing it was Lijah waking me up. My eyes fluttered open and a smile appeared on my face. I ran my fingers through his hair pulling his face to mine so I could kiss him. It was full of passion and love and made our smiles brighten. When we finally pulled away he placed his forehead on mine while I wispered "Good morning Prince Charming". He laughed at the rhyme and said "Good morning princess, how did you sleep?". "Great, you?". He smiled kissing me once more before answering "like a bug snug in a rug. See you're not the only one who can rhyme". I laughed at him and he started tickling me which caused me to squeal and snort. I squirmed in his grasp but couldn't get free. "STOP Lijah STOP please I'm going to pee" I pleaded. He stopped letting me up and I ran to the bathroom peeing and washing my hands before coming back into our room and diving into the bed. I landed right next to him and turned laying my head on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head.

I opened my eyes with a slight gasp still not used of dreaming of the boys. I found Nik and Kol awake and staring at me. They looked worried as I toke a deep breath. "Looks like it's Lijahs turn to invade my dreams. I seriously hate this. I mean you guys are my family I'm not supposed to dream about having a relationship with you". The boys looked slightly offended yet understanding which was kinda funny but not enough to make me laugh. "Well I don't know about you Nik but I don't see any problem with Nina dreaming about having a relationship with us. I think of it as an honor because well little one you are an amazing person. You may not be perfect expecially not to others but you are amazing. I also see no problem in it because you have no control over the dreams darling the spirits are making you see them". I smiled kissing Kols cheek before standing up so I could go and help Lijah make breakfast.

As I walked into the kitchen Lijah turned around almost walking straight into me. "Oh I'm sorry Eli I didn't see you there. Wait Eli you're home when did you get back?". I giggled at him and answered his question. "Yes were all home. We got back late last night and didn't want to wake anyone up so we just went straight to my room falling asleep almost immediately. Are we still going to make those muffins and bread?". He smiled nodding and kissed my cheek. He gave me instructions and I did all the work but it was nice to be able to actually make food without something disastrous happening. While we were waiting for the timer we sat ontop the counter and I told him about the dreams or visions or whatever they are. "There's something you need to know well all of you do and I'm supposed to tell you together but I'm not sure how to tell any of you". He nodded before telling me "Why don't you start at the beginning and work your way from there. Don't worry about anything just tell us. We all love you Eli and nothing can change that". I pulled him into a hug squeezing tight. Just as I was going to thank him for his advice the timer sounded.

It was only the Mikaelsons and me for breakfast everyone else went out to eat. There's no time like the present so I decided to tell them. "When me and Bekah had girls night I had a dream of waking up with Kol and him telling me he was in love with me. Later that day we left along with Nik. Well I never told you where we went. We went to find Rick who was supper awsome by the way. I needed some answers and he gave them to me. He talked to the spirits and told me what they said the dreams are visions of what my relationship with each of you would be if you were to be my King but I won't know which of you it will be until they have all past. It starts with waking up with Kol and ends with going to sleep with Finn. I've also dreamt of getting woken up by or with Nik and Lijah. Now I can't really explain any of this that well but I can show all of you and by show I mean literally show you. I'll start with Bekah and end with Finn. Sound okay?". They all nodded and Bekah walked around the table sitting beside me. I placed my hand on her cheek going inside her head and letting her inside mine. She saw everything, felt everything and it seemed to make her uncomfortable but also really happy. "Ina all of those scenarios are amazing. You fell so happy, loved, and safe when you're in their arms and I just want you to know that it would be an honor to have you as my sister". "Thank you Bekah and I know". Next Kol walked over taking Bekahs place and I gently set my hand upon his cheek letting my thumb brush over his cheek bone. He smiled and I started to show him the things I did Bekah. Each time I showed him one of the dreams he stopped breathing for a few seconds as he was overcome with the things I felt. Once he had saw everything I moved my hand away and his eyes fluttered open. He took a breath wispering wow before moving and letting Nik take his place. Instead of placing my hand on his cheek I pulled him to me hugging him tightly and wispering "I miss you Nik". He wrapped his arms around me hugging just as tightly in response. When he had seen everything I pulled away and he stood slightly dazed and allowing Lijah to sit in the chair. I ran my hand through his hair messing it up on purpose which caused me to smirk and get inside his head. I noticed the little red door he'd created for himself making sure I didn't open it so he wouldn't become insane on me he already had enough going on. I showed him the dreams, my conversation with Bekah, the time I spent with Rick, and even the other boys. I opened up more of myself to Lijah knowing that out of everyone he'd be the one to understand because he was the same the only difference was that he hid behind his red door when I didn't. When I pulled my hand out of his hair it was a mess but he didn't move to fix it instead he pulled me into a hug letting go soon after. It was finally Finns turn and I took his hand letting him see what the others did before letting it go. He smiled at me which I returned and we all returned to our original places. "Rick said that when I have one of these dreams that I should show you guys so I will now let's eat some breakfast then enjoy our day".

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