Rickward Elias James

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The next morning when we woke up there was blood setting on the door steps just like the note said. On one of the blood bags was another note addressed to me. I took everything inside walking to the kitchen. I sat ontop the counter next to Nik who was cooking and pulled the note off of the blood bag. He looked over at me as he took the pots and pans off the stove and started to make everyone's plates. The others walked in to grab their plates but stopped when they noticed the piece of paper in my hands. Nik brought over our plates climbing onto the counter to sit next to me. The others did the same and we all started eating while I read.

My Dearest Nina,
Whilst at home last night I heard the spirits wispering about how they should have never let me leave that note. They talked about your stubbornness and loyalty to the Mikaelsons. They say that if there's even a chance that I've made you doubt who I am and what my intentions are then as soon as you learn who I am I will be dead. I hope that I've made you understand that I'm only trying to help you with the things that the spirits no longer can. I would never wish to jeopardize your destiny and that means protecting the Mikaelsons the way I would you. They advised me not to write you this note and to get as far away as possible but I knew that I should clear things up. The way you made your promises I have made mine and helping you is one of them. I know that you think it's only the witches spirits guiding you but it's not it's every supernatural creature to have ever died. I come from a line of these creatures that have watched and protected you the way you do your family. I know every person you've killed, every emotion you've had, and every time that you wanted to flip your switch but you wouldn't because you and Klaus promised each other you never would. The day before my father died he told me of my destiny to help the one who will fix everything and that night I had visions of your entire life the way every member of my family had before me. I know you wonder who I am and the only thing I can tell you is my name and that I'm here to help you the rest you'll have to get Klaus to find out since your first followers arrive tomorrow. They will be the wolves and then the witches will appear two days later and a week after that the vampires. I know you miss your time in wolf form and today would be a good day to be in it. Practice for tomorrow and take the other hybrid with you I know he will protect you if you can't protect yourself which I find very doubtful since you've done it for over a thousand years. I will write more the next chance I get but it'll be a few days at least

Rickward Elias James

I was suprised and extremely confused by all of this but I knew one thing in that letter was true. I missed being in my wolf form but I wouldn't change unless Nik did with me. He could sense my longing to be in my wolf form and grabbed my hand pulling me from the couch. Everyone followed us out side to the porch. Nik pulled me into the front yard and stripped from his clothes as he started to transform. I laughed at him and petted his head when he was finally in wolf form. I told him to wait for me and stripped from my clothes transforming the way Nik did. As soon as we were in wolf form I looked at him but instead of going to the woods I went to the porch with Nik behind me. We laid down in between everyone so they could admire us for a while. Eventually I got tired of just laying there and jumped to my feet running to the woods with Nik right by my side. We walked around for awhile before finding the edge of the lake. I knocked Nik in then walked in myself. We doggy paddled around before getting back on dry land and shaking the water out of our fur. We layed down watching the water till Nik turned back. We didn't do much or spend much time in our forms so he wasn't tired when he transformed back. He studied me for a few minutes before he petted my head. "You are beautiful lily. I love you". I smiled transforming back as well, the only problem now we were both naked and wet. I laughed at Niks embarrassed face before grabbing his hand and pulling him up to his feet. "Thank you Nik. I love you too". He nodded but wouldn't turn his eyes to me. I chuckled tightening my grip on his hand and pulled him faster.

When we reached home we found our clothes folded neatly and sat on the porch steps. We slipped them on before walking inside to find everyone waiting for us. My hair was still soaking wet and making me cold and causing me to shiver. Nik wrapped his arms around me warming me up quickly. I cuddled closer to him and he picked me up as I yawned. "Come now lily let's get you something to eat then get you to bed". I smiled kissing his cheek and told him "sounds like a plan Nik but you have to carry me the whole time". He chuckled kissing my forehead and nodded. He handed me a blood bag and slice of pizza which I have no idea where it came from but ate it anyways. Once that was finished he carried me to my room and laid me in my bed but before he could leave I pulled him back and causing him to fall into my bed. He got the hint and climbed under the covers with me. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat as I told him goodnight. "Goodnight Nik, I love you". "Goodnight Lily, I love you too". Soon after our good night's I fell asleep to the feeling of Nik playing with my hair and his heart beat hammering in my ears.

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