Chapter 37

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Maya's POV
28th August

Police rushed onto the scene, but all I could think about was her. 

She was here. 

I'd seen her face all over the news: Avery Jennings, youngest presidential nominee in history, facing Hilary & Trump. 

Avery Jennings, diagnosed with OCD. 

Avery Jennings, apparently stalked several young men.

Avery Jennings, missing. 




I have to find Charlie. 

Police and reporters scream my name, but I block out the noises as I rush from the art gallery, and into the night. The sound of footsteps prevail behind me, but I continue my desperate walk, passing through twisting streets. Owls hoot, their voices coming from unknown places. My heartbeat accelerates rapidly, and I could hear my breathing become heavier and heavier, as a bitter cold stretched underneath my clothes and throughout my body, as the streets grew darker and the darker, and the lights began to fade around me. Trees, protectors of their hearth, stand stalwart, lined along the street. Surrounded by a black sheen, the trees appear to leer at me, as my pace picks up and I continue to head towards wherever the fuck the hospital is.

Let's face it.

I failed Geography.

And it's at that moment when I realise that I am lost. 

In LA.

On a Friday night.


Slumping onto the curb, I flick through my phone as the blinding white light flashes into the night. 

All of a sudden, a hand clamps onto my shoulder, and I whip my head around.



Charlie's POV

Vibrant orange tongues of death entwine themselves among our legs, as I hold her against my chest tightly. The agony infests itself in my body like a virus, spreading as fast as a Japanese bullet train and affecting every single crevice. I feel like I am going to erupt, a dormant volcano that is finally awake. 

As I scream, she is silent.


Why is she so silent? 

Why doesn't she say anything?

The fire climbs across our bare skin, as clothes turn into ashes, and the room turns to dust. The pain attacked like the tide, ascending slowly before crashing down in an ultimate climax. 

'Waste the Night,' was playing louder than before, filling my ears with sound. 

My fingers brushed through her elegant blonde waves, and I pressed her head closer to my chest, wrapping my arms protectively around her. She lifts her head as the flames burn brighter, and fade to a dark crimson. I find myself lost in a sea of aquamarine, a sea where I will always be a castaway. 

"We're burning Charlie," she gasps, as I find our lips dangerously close, our breaths in sync as her hands wrap around the back of my neck, pulling me in close enough to hear her heavy breathing. She buries her hands in my hair, and presses her mouth to my earlobe. 

"Don't let me walk away," she whispers, before she pulls away, and I watch helplessly as the flames engulf her, swallowing my goddess in a cage of agony. The flames dance around my legs, and begin to finger my face as I watch her lips move. 

"Don't let it burn in the city lights," she cries, before everything turns black. 

And I open my eyes.

'Oh my god...'

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