Chapter 9

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I'm pretty sure last time I checked, this sequel only had about two hundred views and now it's three hundred.
I'm so sorry for not updating as often as I used to, but I've just started high school and I'm trying to work my way around writers block.
When the sequel is finished, I'm not going to post the third book immediately, since I have other projects I want to work on BUT I WILL WRITE THE THIRD BOOK.

Also, I am single for Valentines Day, and it's great.

Perks of not having a boy/girlfriend.


I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of Rowan for speaking out, I'm glad that there's less hate in the world now.

-C xx 14/2/16

Maya's POV

Charlie instantly drove back to the hospital, and I was left to take the kids to daycare. Luke insisted that the seatbelt was a poisonous snake that was sleeping, and he refused to put it on. Hope was having a 'heart attack' over the fact that the Wiggles were touring. The two triplets argued all through the drive, and I turned the radio on.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas.

Why had he done this?

Why am I still thinking about him?

What does he want from me?

I was as pure as a river
But now I think I'm possessed
You put a fever inside me
And I've been cold since you left
I've got a boyfriend now and he's made of gold
And you've got your own mistakes in a bed at home
I'm hoping you could save me now but you break and fold
You've got a fire inside but your heart's so cold


Even Halsey thinks there's something wrong with me.

Hope instantly rushes to the monkey bars, while Luke sneaks into his reading corner.

"Mama?" Luke comes up to me, gently pulling my blue and white checked sleeve.


"Will Daddy come home?"

What do you tell a five year old child, when his father might not come home alive.


Luke wraps his tiny arms around my waist, and waddles off towards his sister.

I clamber back into the car, and quickly head off to work.

"Morning Miss Hart!" Professor Rora smiles, as I lumber inside the art gallery.

"I told you not to call me that," I groan, half-heartedly laughing as my hilarious boss struggles to fit inside the reception booth. His stomach is the size of an inflated beach ball, and with his orange hair gelled into a Mohawk, he looks like an upside down ice cream cone.

"The Slovenian embassy recently delivered an ancient painting from the 1400s, and they'd like you to restore it for them."

"I don't even know what Slovenia is."

"We also have a new employee on our hands, would you mind showing her around?"

A petite woman struts out from the storeroom, her ruby high heels tapping against the floor. Her eyes are hidden by an enormous pair of pastel yellow sunglasses, and her lips are smothered in a disgusting layer of bright red lipstick. Her turquoise hair tumbles down her back in waves, and she's wearing a ridiculously expensive baby pink dress, with a red cardigan to match.

"Maya, this is Jennifer Avenston, she'll be working as a receptionist for the next couple of weeks. I hope you two will get along," Professor Rora introduced.

"Pleasure," Jennifer greets, with the air of someone who could smell something rather revolting. Her mouth is twisted into a sneer, and her claws are pointed directly at me.

As soon as Professor Rora leave, she slaps my face. Her claws sink into my cheek, and I aim a powerful kick at her stomach.

"Just you wait bitch," she hisses, before sauntering off into the distance.

"Oh I've done my waiting," I mumble, as red rivers slip down my cheeks.

I've been waiting too long.

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