Chapter Forty Six

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"Knock Knock" I chimed as I slowly entered the bedroom where Chase sat quietly with his head in his hands. He raised his head to look up at me as I made my way to sit next to him on the bed.

"I've thought of a name" I continued, trying in any way that I could to make him give me some kind of smile.

"Yeah?" he turned his head in his hand and awaited my response.

"Evans" I replied "It's a name that stems back in my family but won't be easily traced like my mother's maiden name would, you know?"

"It's perfect" he replied with a small twitch in his lip, before moving to pull me into his chest and hold me tightly in a hug. I closed my eyes and breathed him in which instantly made me relax every muscle in my body.

A large bout of thunder rumbled loudly, shaking the house in its wake. I opened my eyes with a jolt as my state of relaxation broke immediately with the shock of the storm. Chase felt my tension under his arms and moved to hold me tighter, settling me as he did. I let my eyes settle on a small suitcase that sat in the corner of the room, looking at it in confusion as I allowed the realization to hit me.

Moving back from Chase's hold, my eyes continued to stare at the open suitcase full of Chase's belongings. Chase followed my stare to the case and raised his hand to my chin, gently moving my face to meet his. He looked into my now tear filled eyes and cupped my face in his hands, letting a tear fall from his eye and fall gracefully onto his perfect cheek.

"I have to go" he whispered as I felt my heart smash into a million pieces in reaction to his words.

I let the tears release from my eyes as I simply watched his heart break in front of me.

"I promised to keep you safe Annabelle" he continued, the tears now steadily falling from his eyes. "I've only put you in harm's way"

I nodded through heavy tears as I felt the importance in his speech radiate through my chest. His grip tightened around my face as his face creased into a stern look before me.

"You need to know how much I love you!" he exclaimed with a slight shake of his hands. "I'm leaving because I love you more than you'll ever, ever ever understand!"

I nodded again, barely able to speak from pain before whispering "I know."

He let out a loud wail before more tears streamed steadily down his face. "I love you so much Annabelle!" he cried before pulling my face to his chest and sobbing into my shoulder. I sobbed just as heavily as I felt each piece of my broken heart smash even more as it turned into a powder in my chest.

As he pulled himself away from my body, he lifted the golden heart pendant and pursed it to his lips. "Keep this please" he whispered as his sad eyes fell on my broken ones.

"I'm never taking it off" I replied as my mind screamed inside begging him to stay with me forever.

I had felt this day coming for months. The minute our peaceful existence was broken with the paparazzi on our doorstep, I knew our entire world would come crashing down in front of us. Today was the day. The day I had dreaded every night before I fell asleep. The day I knew was looming quietly around the corner waiting to pounce. I couldn't live in Chase's world and he couldn't continue in mine.

"We will be separated but I promise I'll never stop loving you Chase Thomas" I whimpered whilst letting my lip fall in vibration.

"Ditto" he replied simply before cupping my face once more and kissing me tenderly through our salty tears.

Without another word he stood and closed the suitcase in the corner of the room. He turned to face me with an expression of utter loss painted over his beautiful face. Leaning down to pick up the suitcase, he refused to return his face to mine before rushing out of the bedroom door and out of the front doorway – slamming the door behind him.

I sat closing my eyes as the tears continued to flow down my soaking cheeks. I felt empty once his presence had left the house and felt a feeling of urgency surge over my body causing me to jump up from the bed and dash from the room. As I opened the front door, the rain flowed heavily down in front of me. The air was filled with white fog as the rain hit the ground with a crash. Chase's black silhouette was on the sidewalk as he made his way to a cab that waited patiently in front of the house.

"Chase!" I yelled before running toward him, becoming instantly saturated from the falling rain. The silhouette turned and dropped the suitcase from his hand before running toward me without hesitation in his step. His hands cupped my face as he kissed me passionately whilst the rain washed our tears far away. I raised my dripping wet hands to his hair as I pulled him harder toward me, kissing him with every ounce of love I felt for him, hoping he felt the intensity of how much I did. I could feel his love seep through me as he kissed me with everything he had for the first and last time.

Without another look, he ran from my embrace and entered the cab leaving me to fall to the ground in a clump of pure agony. Emptiness seeped through my body, filling each crevice with every inch of distance that separated myself and the disappearing cab.

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