Chapter Eleven

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Dedicated to @Carmenfritz - A Loyal Fan X

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Chase took my hand to help me rise from the table and continued to hold it whilst ushering me through the dark bar and down the stairs. I felt breathless from his touch. His soft, but strong hand sent a wave of electricity through my body. I was surprised that something as small as a touch of the hand could have such an impact on my entire being. My heart raced as I wondered where we were going and why CHASE THOMAS was interested in talking to me.

At the bottom of the stairs he pulled me to the right and through an open doorway. He turned his body to mine and stepped forward, reducing the gap between us. Awkwardly, I moved backwards only to have my back rest on the wall behind me. Chase continued to grip my hand and leaned forward, his face now millimeters away from mine. I could feel his warm breath on my lips which sent tingles down my spine. His cologne escaped from his skin and sent my senses into overdrive. A deep smell of aqua, fresh, cool and sweet with a touch of salt caused my pupils to dilate and my legs to feel weak at the knees. Resting his hand on the wall beside me, his eyes studied my face until they eventually landed on my eyes.

"What are you doing with Antonio?" he hissed

"HOLD ON! What now?" I thought to myself, all romantic thoughts instantly escaping my mind. Apart from a public persona and a friendly greeting, I didn't know this man from a bar of soap. Why should he demand to know what I do with my personal life?

"How is that any of your business?" I asked, my brow now creasing with aggravation.

His grip grabbed tighter around my hand as he hit the wall with his palm "Tell me!" He spat. "This isn't a joke Annabelle!"

I looked down to my hand as I tried to break his grip. Looking back into his eyes I asked "Do you mind?!" as I pulled my hand harder trying to allow its release. Chase looked down at our hands and instantly let go. His face softened as he said "Shit, I'm sorry Annabelle".

I pulled my hand to my body and rubbed it with the other. My eyes remained hard pressed on his as I raised my voice "What the hell is your problem?! I don't even know you! In fact, I've had more interaction with Antonio tonight than I have with you in my entire life!"

I was angry. He may be the world's sexiest bachelor, but that gave him no right to act like he owned the world. Even with his God-like form, chiseled jaw line, green, mesmerizing eyes. "Snap out of it Annabelle!" I internally barked at myself.

"I'm sorry, just tell me why you're with Antonio! I'm serious, he's no good Annabelle!"

"I barely know him!" I snapped. "I ran into a friend who introduced me to him. I'd barely been there 5 minutes before you came along. You and he seemed pretty well acquainted anyhow so why do you have a problem with me sitting with him?

He took a deep breath in and released it slowly. "I knew him once but not anymore and for good reason! Look, you're a nice girl, do me a favour and stay well away from him. I'd suggest that you take any of your friends with you when you leave"

"What?! Who are you? My father? I'm not going anywhere thank you very much!"

He hit the wall with his hand once more and had a look of fury raging in his eyes "SERIOUSLY LISTEN TO ME!" he yelled, stopping for a second to look over his shoulder for signs of people passing. Leaning back in to me he whispered "I knew him, a long time ago. He won't let anything get in the way of what he wants. He won't hesitate to hurt or even kill to get his own way. I saw the way he looked at you - like you were a piece of meat he wanted to taste. I won't allow this to sit on my conscience so just do this one thing for me. Get your friends and stay the hell away from Antonio!"

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