Chapter Eight

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Dedicated to a Loyal Fan - mercedes_loves_cats X

"So this will be your desk for the next one thousand years most probably" Said Bernadette as she showed me around the office. "I can't see this place slowing down anytime soon so you'll probably be here for the long haul" she said as she shrugged.

I felt a pinch of sickness at the pit of my stomach. "Thank you Bernadette" I said gracefully trying to hide my discontent.

"What's that accent you have anyway?" asked Bernadette bluntly. "English?" before I could answer a voice from behind me replied "Australian."

Bernadette's eyes jolted to the person behind me. Her face changed immediately from smiling to shock. Her whole face turned the colour of a beetroot but she didn't mutter a word.

I stood frozen worried from Bernadette's expression. I slowly rotated on my heel to come face to face with a tall blonde man - no, not a man, an Angel. The most stunning creature I had ever laid eyes on. I recognized him instantly.

"Chase Thomas" he asserted whilst putting his hand out to greet mine.

"Annabelle Thompson" I replied taking his hand hoping that he didn't feel me trembling underneath.

His bright green eyes grabbed hold of my gaze and drew me in like a magical spell.

"Well, Annabelle Thompson" he continued without removing his stare, "I'm pleased to have met you."

He left my gaze and moved his eyes to Bernadette "You might want to polish up on your Geography Bernie" he said as he laughed.

He returned his eyes to mine and whispered "I hope to see you again soon Annabelle Thompson"

I turned to look away from his face only to realize that he was still holding my hand. I quickly let go of his grip tucked my hair behind my ear. I could feel my cheeks glowing like hot stones as I looked up to meet his glare again.

"Me too" I quietly muttered with a shy smile. He looked at me and smiled - a smile that could stop traffic in its wake.

As quickly as he emerged, he was called away by Franca. I was left standing stunned on the spot. I could still feel the warmth and electric tingle in the hand that he had just held.

As he walked away from me, I took him in. His tall, masculine physique was breathtaking. I could see his muscles outlined under his shirt. Broad shoulders filled his shirt perfectly. I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to imagine him lifting me with ease causing me to straddle him as he carries me into one of the empty offices to do with me what he wished.

I was woken from my daydream abruptly as he turned at the end of the hall to look in my direction. With a slight shake of my head I was alert and found myself staring directly toward him.

His eyes hit mine and glistened as he smiled at me before walking into Franca's office, out of view. I internally kicked myself for looking like such a fool to one of the most sought after musicians in the globe.

"Be professional you idiot" I hissed at myself. "He's the hottest Bachelor of the year! You're a fool to think anything would happen with him. Now pull yourself together and get to work!"

I turned to face Bernadette once again who had a Cheshire smile from ear to ear.

"What just happened?" She laughed "Did you just eye flirt with Chase Thomas?"

"NO!" I snapped defensively

"Calm down Annabelle, I'm only poking fun. You would be the only woman ever employed here to not feel love struck when meeting Chase, if that's the case" I smiled at Bernadette as she continued "It's one of the hazards of working in this industry!"

We giggled like school girls before continuing the office tour.

"Now, let me show you the drawing room! You're going to love this"

She was right. The longer I work in this industry, the more I will be exposed to A-Lister daydreams. I am human after all. I have to work on seeing each client as a project to be managed.

Whilst Australia saw me managing many high profile clients, nothing could prepare me for the American market. I would now be working alongside some of my greatest idols in the industry.

I felt I was well out of my league.



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