Chapter Ten

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Dedicated to dapasa - Welcome! I hope you enjoy the story! X

"Another Mojito please" I smiled to the waiter as he took my order. As I waited for him to mix my drink, I swiveled around on the bar stool to take in my surrounds.

The atmosphere was buzzing with chatter from content patrons who were nestled around tables, engrossed in intimate conversation. The room was dimly lit and strewn with black, gold and champagne accents creating warmth and extravagance.

The band had just finished their set and I hoped to catch them before they left.

"Annabelle?" I heard from behind me. I turned my head to see Candice.

"You're out and you didn't call me?" she asked as she moved in to hug me. I still wasn't used to this type of greeting from a practical stranger.

"Hi Candice" I enthused. I was happy to see her again. "It's nice to see you!" I said as a huge smile lit my face.

"What are you doing here?" she queried

"Oh, I was just viewing the band for work" I said whilst gesturing toward the stage "What brings you here?"

A huge smile erupted on her face, showcasing her pearly white teeth. She looked toward the ceiling and back into my eyes

"What are you up to?" I questioned with a large smile, intrigued by her mysterious response

"I'm here with some friends. Come join us!" she said, changing the subject

I agreed and followed Candice to a secluded area nestled above the busy bar below. "You look cute" stated Candice "Let me dress you next time though" she stated as blunt as ever.

"Ouch" I replied playfully.

"You're into music, I'm into fashion. Let's stick to our own trades" she laughed.

"Okay, I'll let you play dress up next time if you come to the next gig I'm viewing" I propositioned.

"Deal!" she laughed.

Candice stopped in front of a circular booth seat. In it, sat two men and three women. All of them looked as though they had just walked off the set of a movie.

I looked down at myself, brushing my clothes with my hands as a feeling of discomfort rushed through me.

"Guys, this is Annabelle" stated Candice as she took a seat and ushered for me to sit next to her.



"Hey" the three women chimed

One of the men gave a nod of his head in my direction before turning his attention back to the three women who gushed over him in awe.

The other man, who sat closely to Candice rose as he put out his hand, gesturing to take mine.

He leaned his lips down to the back of my hand and kissed it whilst grabbing my gaze with his black eyes. Without looking away his thick Italian accent breathed "Anna, gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman"

I internally cringed at being called Anna. I had always hated that nickname. It reminded me of being taunted and branded Anna-Banana as a child.

Candice moved close to my ear and whispered "This is Antonio, Isn't he to die for?" Her face gushing with lust

Antonio's mouth turned up at the side into a half smile "Come, drink with us" he said as he waved his hand in a swooping motion over the table showcasing the array of liquors that sat on it.

He took a cigarette and placed it between his lips. With that, the man sitting next to him snapped a gold Zippo lighter over his jeans causing the flame to illuminate his face. He held it up for Antonio to place the cigarette to its flame. With a large breath in, he inhaled the smoke and let it escape from his lips. He took the cigarette from his lips and turned his body to face myself and Candice.

"Why didn't you tell me you had such beautiful friends?" he questioned Candice whilst moving his arm to cradle her waist.

Candice could only giggle like a school girl as she dropped her head to his shoulder.

Antonio caught my eyes with his and gave a deep, gazing stare whilst licking his lips before putting the cigarette to them once again.

I quickly broke his gaze to see a man wearing a baseball cap approach our table.

The man stopped in front of the booth and took a small glass from the table. He poured Scotch one third of the way up the glass and raised it to his lips. His eyes locked with Antonio's as he tipped the glass in his direction with a nod of his head. With that, he downed the liquor in one gulp and loudly sat the glass back on the table.

"Little one" Antonio hissed with a partial smile "welcome back" his eyes slit as he studied the gentleman's face in silence.

"I won't be staying Antonio" said the man with a blunt tone.

He turned to look at me which caused Antonio to snap his head in my direction. "Annabelle Thompson" the man said toward me.

I watched Antonio's expression harden as I turned to meet the strangers gaze. He slightly raised his head to allow light to shine on his face.

"Chase?" I gasped as I recognized his face from the glowing light instantly.

I immediately realised that I had just called him Chase to his face and felt an incredible wave of guilt rush through me. Why would he come up to me like this? My mind flooded with thoughts as my face grew hotter and hotter with each millisecond that passed by.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" Chase asked casually as though we had known each other on an intimate level for years.

"Um" I hesitated, glued to the spot in shock

"It will only take a moment. Antonio, you don't mind if I steal her away do you?" asked Chase as he looked back at Antonio

Antonio shook his head with a frown whilst waving his hand that encased the lit cigarette, to usher us away

Us? Did I just say us?




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