Chapter Thirty Three

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Dedicated to ElinorBohlinAndersso - for giving me constant encouragement X   

Chase has been awake for a week now and is becoming stronger every day. I had taken up permanent residency on the chair next to his hospital bed whilst Mia went home with Lacey each night.

The visitors hadn't slowed down, each day was a blur of unfamiliar faces talking business and well wishes with Chase although it was a nice change when Candice and Adriana stopped by to check on how I was handling it all. I was surprised to see how well Mia and Candice hit it off as I sipped coffee and chatted quietly with Adriana. Their roars of laughter filled the hospital cafeteria as they exchanged embarrassing stories about yours truly.

"...and in her heroic effort to save me, she was holding a perfumed aerosol can as a weapon" Candice boasted which only gave Mia more ammunition to fire my way.

"At least she tried to help you! She heard a rustle in the bushes once and pushed me toward the noise before running for her own life!" Mia exclaimed through fits of laughter.

"Hey, that's not fair!" I proclaimed. "I was eight years old! Plus, it was only a cat rustling about not a lion!"

"A likely story" Mia replied looking again to Candice which caused her laughter to erupt even louder.

Although I was the butt of the jokes, I was happy to see that Candice was blissfully unaware of Antonio's presence at the red carpet event. If she knew, I doubt she would be as happy as she was in that moment.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I turned back to Adriana in an effort to find out how she had managed after such a horrendous event the week before.

"I'm surprisingly well, my thoughts have been stuck on you and Chase though" she said with a slight frown. "I'm just relieved you guys are okay."

"You were amazing Adri" I replied "If it wasn't for you, I don't think Chase would have..."

"He would have been just fine." She said reassuringly, cutting me off before I could finish.

"Well, I just need you to know how grateful I am... how grateful we are for everything you did."

"I know" she said softly. "I can see it in your eyes. You don't need to say another word."

It was as though we had exchanged more than a few sentences in that moment. Although I struggled to put thought into words, Adriana understood everything I needed to say without the need to say it. I was so happy to have met such a genuine person in such a harsh world.

"I'm sorry it took you so long to get in touch with me. Security is so tight here from everything that happened..." I said, changing the subject.

"It was tough to get a hold of you!" she said with a small laugh "we were so worried but they wouldn't let us in to this wing of the hospital unless we were on a list!"

"I didn't even think to add people to the list. I was so consumed with everything that had happened to Chase, I didn't look at my phone for days."

"It's fine! We totally understand, we just needed to support you in any way we could. A few Security Guards wouldn't stop us" she stated with a slight wink. I knew immediately that she was referring to that horrible night when she stood up to a Security Guard in order to get me backstage to see Chase.

My eyes lit up as I let out a small laugh. "A woman of many talents" I stated in reference to her tricks of the trade.

"I have a few anyway" she said letting out a laugh of her own.

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