Chapter Six

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Dedicated to a Loyal Fan - jimy007 - X

After retrieving my luggage from the conveyor belt, I made my way through the crowds to the entrance of LAX Airport and ushered for a Cab. The yellow sedan came screeching at my feet as I struggled with my bags, trying my hardest not to lose my footing.

"Annabelle!" I heard a yell from the crowd of people filling the airport entrance.

I turned to see Candice appear in front of me.

"What are you doing?" she questioned

"Ummm getting a cab to my apartment?" I stated sarcastically

"Ah, no" she spat "You're not taking public transport. Come with me. I'll drop you home".

I apologized to the cab driver and closed the door. Candice took me by the hand to a man dressed in a black suit. I noticed he was already holding Candice's luggage on a large, silver luggage cart.

"James, load Annabelle's luggage in the car please" she said to the man confidently. "We'll be taking her home on our way to the Estate". The man, who I now knew as James politely responded "Yes Miss Candice" as he bent down to take my luggage from my hand.

"Come on, the car awaits!" wailed Candice with a flip of her hand. She seemed different from the girl who shared the flight with me. Whilst I could instantly tell she had a wild side, this domineering, confident woman in front of me was nowhere to be seen on the plane.

"Downtown please" I stated to James as he asked where I would like to be delivered.

As we weaved in and out of traffic, Candice opened a small compact mirror and gasped "Oh, I look terrible! Look at these bags under my eyes!"

I let out a small giggle as I reminded Candice that we had only met today so I knew her no other way.

"Well I don't normally look like this!" she scoffed as she patted powder under her eyes and over the brim of her nose. "Where will you be working?" Candice asked as she closed the powder compact and retrieved a lip gloss from her purse.

"Aztec Productions" I replied as I watched her carefully apply the gloss to her full lips.

"Oh great, only a block away from me!" she said excitedly. "Lunch dates!" she sang in a high pitch tone that hurt my ears.

I let out a half-laugh, half-cry as I looked to James in the rearview mirror. He didn't shutter an eyelid at the noise that had just come from the back of the car. I figure he must be used to Candice's loud personality by now.

"This is me" I pointed as we slowly approached the high rise apartment building I recognized from a picture Sarah had emailed.

"Nice" Candice enthused as we came to a halt in front of the valet. A doorman rushed to my door and opened it whilst James retrieved my luggage from the back of the car. "Call me!" Candice said through a smile as she moved in to hug me goodbye. A little surprised, I pulled away and smiled at her. "We'll do lunch" she said as she stepped back into the car.

In a moment, the car pulled out from the curb and hastened away leaving me standing by the doorman in shock with what had just happened.

It felt like I was just picked up and dropped into an episode of "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills". I'd be lying if I said I didn't look for Ashton Kutcher to jump out from the bushes yelling "You've been PUNK'D!".

I had found myself in an entirely different world from what I had always known. It was thrilling and, a little daunting.




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