Chapter Thirty

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Dedicated to @MelShephard - X

As the sun rose over the hospital, I sat bouncing my leg up and down whilst rocking back and forth on the uncomfortable waiting chair. I felt like my insides were about to explode, as I sat not-so-patiently waiting for any word on Chase's surgery.

"No news is good news" Lacey had said earlier and the words circled my mind as the only thing keeping me some kind of sane.

Antonio's dark, brooding eyes came to the forefront of my brain. Flashes of Chase's smiling face, Adriana's red dress, Candice laughing with her colleagues and the Security Guard came flashing like lightning bolts to my brain. Falling on top of Chase FLASH, looking down at my blood stained dress FLASH, screaming Chase's name as he lie unconscious on the floor... I felt nauseous. The room spun as I felt all colour drain from my face. I tilted forward, watching the floor spin under my feet as it became closer and closer before eventually falling to a black pit of nothingness.

"Belle" I heard my name echo in the distance. "Belle" the voice continued to taunt me as it became louder and louder, pulling me into reality. "There you are" I heard as I opened my eyes to see Mia's face standing over me. I jumped up with surprise from seeing her face. "You're here?" I shrieked, my head pounding as I did.

"Have a nice sleep?" Mia asked with a smile.

I leant in to hold Mia close, filled with happiness that she was with me. Pulling myself back from her hold, I instantly remembered what had happened. "Chase!" I yelled "Where is Chase?"

"He's okay" Mia chimed "He's out of surgery. The Doctor said you just have to rest for now."

I wouldn't hear another word and immediately made my way out of the hospital bed to find Chase. "A little bump on my head isn't going to stop me from seeing him!" I said sternly.

Mia let out a small laugh before saying "Okay Wonder Woman, I'll take you to him."


The corridor outside of Chase's room was full of people. Mrs Wilson, Leonard and many other faces I didn't recognize; all waiting to see him.

Lacey spotted me making my way to her side and immediately lit up with happiness, rushing to meet me. "Annabelle! You had me worried!" she said as she held out her arms to greet me with a hug.

After a warm rub on the back and tight squeeze she moved back holding my face in her hands. "He's going to be okay!" she chimed with a single tear running down her cheek. "The Doctors say he is the luckiest person alive because the knife missed his vital organs, although they had to remove his gall bladder. He's just had quite a lot of blood loss and has a nasty bump on the back of his head so he's going to need a lot of rest in here whilst he recovers. He's asleep now but come on, we'll go see him."

It was a lot for me to take in but I managed to absorb "He's okay" and "We'll go see him" which was more than enough information for me in that moment. Before following Lacey I turned to look at Mia and smile before being engulfed in a hug. "He's okay" I breathed. "He's going to be okay!" now hugging her through large sobs of relief.

I returned to look at Lacey who was now standing at the entrance to Chase's room patiently waiting for me to follow her. With another quick hug from Mia, I pulled away from her grip to quickly move to Lacey's side.

The door opened slowly before we crept inside. I felt my heart flip in my chest as my eyes took him in. He lay peacefully sleeping like a fallen angel as the light from the window behind him shone over his blonde hair. If he didn't have cords running from his veins to the machines that sat beside him, he would have looked as though nothing was wrong with him at all. His perfect face was unharmed and all evidence of the horrific injury was hidden under a white blanket that was pulled neatly to his chest.

I quickly shuffled to his side, holding his hand in mine as I let tears of relief fall to my cheeks. I placed a soft kiss on the back of his hand before holding it to my brow and saying a soft prayer in thankfulness that he would live.

A muffled noise came from where Chase laid, causing me to look toward his face in alertness. His brow creased as his head shook softly from side to side. "Chase I'm here" I whispered as I lent in closer to his face. His lips parted allowing sound to escape with a heavy breath from his lungs.

"Clara" he wheezed causing me to stand to attention and drop his hand in shock.

"What?" I shrieked as I stood shaken by his actions causing Lacey to hasten to my side and hold my shoulders in comfort.

Without another movement, he was again sound asleep and unable to give me any explanation of why he would breathe another woman's name in his sleep.




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