Chapter 14//"Are you a psycho bitch or do you want to end up in jail for murder"

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"Listen up you incompetent losers, I heard what went down in the hall moments earlier and for that I will make you all pay. We are warriors who are training to achieve our optimum health. Now 2 laps around the hockey pitch for a light warm up"

I go off into a sprint the second the coach shouts for us to go.

A dark-haired figure catching up to me but look away from him "Can we talk?" He asks but don't even bother to look into his heartwarming eyes. I sprint faster-wanting nothing more than to get away from him.

He somehow sprints in front of me and beings to run backward still able to keep up with my pace, how does he do that? I pull out my leg and Elliott gracefully trips backward. I keep running, but my conscience makes me turn my head to look back and people are leaning over the Star Quarterback.

I stop for a second wondering if I should go back, but then I remember Elliott's arms around Aribella and I keep running.

Eventually, I reach coach who is shouting harsh comments to the part of the crowd who are slowly jogging they're way back to the start.

"Elliott Grayson this is no time for lying around you lazy idiot" Coach shouts so loud that I cover my ears with my hands.

When everyone is back near the front gate the coach begins to talk '"Elliott Grayson what were you doing lying on the floor" He asks a tinge of mockery in his voice, wow I didn't know he knew what humor was.

"Dawson tripped me up" I'm ready for coach to shout at me for trying to seriously harm his prized Quarterback.

Instead, he laughs at Elliott " So you're telling me Grayson that my Star Quarterback was lying on the ground because he was tripped up by a ex-cheerleader. Grayson next time you come up with an excuse at least make it sound believable."

Slowly coach splits us up into 2 teams as we prepare our hockey formation. This is going to be fun look who is going to be marking me throughout this whole game the one and only lying Aribella.

The whistle is blown and I bend my legs ready for the ball. I'm good at hockey, well usually until the floor decides to trip me up.

"Cress" A girl from our class calls and my grip on my hockey stick tightens as the ball touches it.

I shuffle the ball through the crowd, attempting to weave and dodge past different players.

A sharp pain erupts in my ankle and I imagine myself about to trip over and make a big fool of myself but somehow manage to catch my feet from falling. People are looking at my amazing save until Coach blows the whistle.

"Foul Aribella, we are playing hockey not rugby, Crescent Dawson take the ball" I take the ball off Aribella and her eyes are blazing.

Soon the ball is in Aribella's clutches and I'm trying to tackle but what she does makes everyone stop in their tracks. She chucks her stick aside and takes her opportunity to lunge for me. But I don't take this as a chance to miss throwing my fist at her precious nose.

Automatically a gush of blood beings flowing like a tap and my skull whacks off the floor. A sharp pain ignites in my cheek and her weight knocks the breath out of me.

She's tugging my auburn hair out my head as she screams at me "You pretend to be a quiet good girl but I know who you are. You're a bitch, you love to slut yourself about. And your not important, everybody knows Daniel's name from every school in this area but what are you. Your second best. Maybe that's why your mother kil...."

I elbow her in the boob (which I can tell you is the most painful area in your body to be attacked). She shrieks out in pain.

"Aribella all you do is bring me down but your bra is more stuffed than a build-a-bear and if you don't stop this stupid fight I will punch you so hard Google won't be able to find you"

That's when her eyes look to the left. Folllowing her gaze I already know I'm too late. I pull my body weight away as she does the same but she's holding a long object tightly in her grasp, her eyes are almost black. She aims the hockey stick at me and I know I'm going to have a trip to the hospital with a few broken bones.

I try and protect myself but all there is is a light slamming sound though I don't feel a single ounce of pain.

A shadow blocks me holding the stick above his head. My heart pounds as a sense of déjàvu rushes through me. His body is over mine stopping any harm from impacting me, instead impacting him. His other hand is lying on his shoulder. Everyone stands still, coach has his mouth hanging open and so do many others.

Daniel looks angry, no, that is an understatement he looks like his head is going to pop off with rage.

"Aribella are you a psycho bitch or do you want to end up in jail for murder?" He asks harshly. I couldn't see her face but I knew she probably looks shocked.

"Elliott" I whisper pushing his arm so he turns around. I automatically see the pain in his eyes.

"Elliott" I repeat, I don't know what to say. Would thank you really make up for the way he took the hit for me today? No never.

"Let me see it" Is all I whisper. I know perfectly well that everyone is watching but I really don't care.

"I knew you'd ask me to see it some day it was just a matter of time" He winks at me. I roll my eyes and give him a hard glare.

He pushes his shirt aside and his perfectly tanned shoulder has an out-of-place bright red mark placed on it.

I think about all the times Aribella and me have ended up pulling each other's hair out and that there was no one to save me. Sometimes there would be more than just Aribella. But I had to endure the bruises and the pain on my own.

"It's nothing, I've had worse in football, you remember the time that guy trampled on me" I look at him as he tries to cover up the pain in his shoulder.

All the times I was sent to the nurse's office, not even Daniel would stand up for me, not once.

Instead I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck and place my chin against his untouched shoulder.

But the person who hurt me the most is the person who saved me today.

A gust of ginger hair flies with the wind in the opposite direction. Winter is storming out the playing field trailed by her group of followers.

"I'll ask Aribella to hit me with a stick more often if you are willingly giving me a hug, actually I'd love to see what you would do if she hit me on the head"


The Quarterback's Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें