Chapter 8

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You flew back to your castle as quickly as you could. It was weird to you to think of leaving Bunny on such a note, but you needed time to think. Maybe he did, as well. You wanted to know that he would choose you. You wanted to know that he believed you could overcome that darkness that you felt was within you.

You landed at the entrance to the castle. You pushed your hair back and glanced around. Your eyes fell on a figure sitting on the small wall surrounding a giant tree. 


"(Y/N), hi, h-hello." 

"Hey," you said. "What're you...?" 

"I hope you don't mind. I-I thought we could talk... About your dad. My brother." 

"My dad? P-Phaedrus?" 

No, of course I don't want to talk about that man. You didn't want to talk to anyone, really, but Pitch seemed like the best choice at the moment. As long as you didn't have to discuss anything serious... Which, you probably did. 

He nodded slowly. "Yes." 

"I... N-No, I don't mind. B-But... Maybe not today." 

He cocked his head. "Why ever not?" 

"It's been a rough morning," you said quietly. 

"Would you like to talk about it?" He smiled lightly. "I guess I am your uncle, after all." 

You smiled in return and sat next to him. Slowly, your voice started telling him the story, starting from the night before with Cupid. As you spoke, he listened intently, his mouth drawn in a tight line and his eyes wide with attentiveness. Him caring enough to listen encouraged you, and you were finding yourself glad to have someone to tell this to. He actually seemed to be interested in what you were saying, and as you spoke you felt a large weight lifted from your shoulders. You had needed to tell someone, needed to voice your confessions and fears. What better person to tell than the former Nightmare King himself? 

"I'm so sorry," he said quietly once you had finished. 

"Don't be," you replied. "Maybe... Maybe it's for the best." 

He put his hand on your shoulder. "But you love him." 

"I know I do. I just... Can't believe he would say that." 

"Perhaps he didn't mean it," Pitch suggested. 

"But their argument was so heated. Isn't that when people tell the truth?" 

"Sometimes. But other times, it's when they tell their greatest fear." 

Your mind flashed to Bunny. What was he doing now? Had you hurt him? Was he as sad as you were now? Perhaps he was relieved to have you gone for the night. Maybe he was with Cupid or a girl that you didn't know about... But you pushed that thought aside. He was loyal to you. He just needed to get his emotions straight, the same as you. Could it be that he was scared of loving you more than his past loves? Was he afraid of loving you to deeply? Did he think that you would ever leave him? Suddenly, you felt like maybe you should go back to him. 

His gentle voice broke into your thoughts. "May I show you something?" 


"With your powers." 

"Uh... Yeah." Bunny can wait. He needs time. "Sure, yes." 

"Form a ball of light in your hand." You did as he said. "Toss it to the ground, then move your hand up... So it forms a kind of pillar." Again, you followed his instruction. You had to restart it four different times, but he didn't get impatient. Therefore, neither did you. It was new. Usually, Bunny and North would give up, or have something more important that they needed to do than help you. It seemed Pitch had all the time in the world. "Now make another." 

Insincere - Sequel to "Heartfelt" (Bunnymund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now