Chapter 30

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Percy's POV

"All in favor?"

Everyone raised their hands except Clarisse. Caleb was still, his arms crossed over all his muscles and scars.


He stood up abruptly, causing half the room to flinch.

"I'm going to attack first." he announced.

"You must be crazy."

He scowled. "I'm not here to get your permission. Since you agreed to help me, I'm just informing you."

"So.... you're going alone?"

"Yeah. Got a problem?"


Annabeth scanned him carefully, and he tensed up.

"I'll go with you."


Everyone stared at me.

"We have a da-"

"I think this is enough to cancel our private schedule."

"You don't really need to come with me."

"I'll be going with you."

He sighed. "It's dangerous."

"It is for you too."

He hesitated. "It'll be more better for me to go alone."

She stared at him evenly and he sighed.


"I'm going too." I said hastily.

"Yeah." He replied, not even glancing at me. He was busy fighting with Annabeth with his eyes.

"Council ajourned." I said, desperately trying to get everyone's attention.

Councilers seeped out of the room and only Annabeth, Caleb, and I was left in the room.

"Aren't you going?"

Caleb took his eyes off of Annabeth.

"Come to the stables at 4."

".... in the morning."

"Of course."

Annabeth glared at me after he went out.



"What happened to our date?"

".... this is important."

"More important than me."



I went out of the room, regretting that I had chosen her over immortality.


Caleb's POV


"It's fun."

I sighed. "It's Christmas."


"I'm not going."

"Come on. We have lots of food. And Apollo said you can have a glass of two."

I pulled on my shirt over the bandages. "I'm not in the mood."

Posiedon crossed his arms. "There'll be a lot of minor goddesses too."

"I know."

"You might meet someone new."

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