Chapter 2

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Caleb's POV

I peeked out from behind the doorway.

Yes. It was 12 year old me, drooling in my sleep. I scowled.

"What are you doing here?"

I jumped five feet in the air. Annabeth stared pointedly at me. I forced a smile.

"Looking at the newbie. You think he can take you out of camp?"

She scowled. "I'm sure he's the one."

"A hero. That drools in his sleep."

Her eyes were murderous.

"I swear if he-"

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. I don't want him to die."

She shrugged my hand off. "You should go."

I nodded and slipped out of the big house. I put my hands deep in my pockets.


Suddenly, pain coursed through my body. I almost doubled over. Not now.... I took a deep breath. Just.... Just behind the Posiedon Cabin. My head spun.


I forced a smile and looked up at Luke.


He tilted his head slightly. "You know, you just froze like-"

"It's nothing." I said hastily.

He nodded slowly. "Where you going?"

"... The beach."

"Really? I was going too."

I cursed inside my mind. The pain was getting worse, and I knew I couldn't hold out for long. The world seemed to spin in front of my eyes.

"... I just need to see someone. You go first." I forced a smile and ran, ran as fast I could to the back of the Posiedon cabin. Sliding down to the grass, I gripped my shirt, hunching over in pain. Maybe... Maybe I should ask Chiron. He could understand. But...

I couldn't ask for help again.

What happened to Chiron.

I gripped my hair, trying not to think about it. Of course, I could imagine it more clearly.

I was worse than Heracules.

I had killed him. I had led him to that death- that death.

"... Percy?"

I clenched my teeth, kneeling in front of my mentor.

"Please Chiron. Help me. Help me with your knowledge."

His sad brown eyes stared down at me.


"I know." I sobbed. "I know you can die. I know I'm being so, so selfish, but I wanted to ask you."

He knelt down on his horse legs. "Do not worry Perseus. I will go with you."

"Chiron- no. I have to go alone."

"... I'm sorry."

I stood up from the floor. "No." I swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry for ruining your camp."

Images of Chiron's limbs flashed through my head. I could see Chiron's head, his face contorted in angony and fear.

"I told you to come alone."


I woke up with a start.

"My boy-"

I turned abruptly to Chiron. I gripped the sheets tight. My instinct told me to scream and run away. Chiron frowned slightly.

"We found you behind the Zeus cabin. Is there something-"

"I have anemia." I cut in.

Chiron nodded slowly. "Nightmares?"

"Sometimes." I slipped out of the bed. "Thank you." I glanced at the clock.

I quickly went out of the infirmary. But I wasn't going to the pavillion. I headed straight to the beach and threw my shoes off and dug my feet into the sand. The ocean was somewhat calm today. I remembered last night, when it was stormy. The sunlight felt good on my face. I wondered if Posiedon was watching. I sighed and sat down on the sand. I swirled my finger in the water, making little tornados in the retreating waves. I stood up and stretched, feeling better after water. My head didn't feel like a bowling ball anymore. I headed towards the Hermes cabin. When would it be? When would Gaea come?

When could I be truthful?

I looked up at the sky. It still felt surreal that I could see such a blue sky. It had always been gray or red- blazing with flames and clogged with ash and smoke. The air felt good in my lungs. Even the grass under my shoes felt nice. I sighed.

I would enjoy the good weather for now.

For now.


Happy New Year!!!

I hope this story will be better than Call me Omega books!!!


it's 2016!!!

Srry this chapter is short 755 words.

And late....

I'll try to write more as I go on.

Guess the first parts will mostly be like the lightning thief.


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