Chapter 18

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Carl's POV

"Caleb isn't awake yet?"

I scowled. "You didn't check?"

He nodded slowly. I sighed and rubbed my hair. "We'll be off after breakfast." I glanced at him. "Fry some bacon. It's in the fridge."

I went back up the stairs, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. I went into Caleb's room.

"Wake up."

He didn't move. I sighed and went over to his bed and shook him a few times.

He was completely limp.

I frowned and flipped him over. He was muttering something under his breath, his hand clutching his chest tight, his hair damp with sweat.


I stared at him for a few moments, not knowing what to think.


Why the hell- I shook my head. That girl was the girl who called me when he was at the hospital and lied I was his father and whatnot.


"Wake up."

He woke up with a gasp. His hands tore away from his shirt and he sat up. He glanced at me with his strange golden eyes which were wild and unfocused at the second. He shook his head.

"Why Annabeth?"

He flinched. "What?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Come on."

"I-" he faltered. "Alright."

We came down the stairs to see Enoch making breakfast. He put the bacon and eggs on a plate and set it in front of us.

"Good morning."

"I'll skip breakfast." Caleb said apologetically. "Thanks anyway."

Enoch shrugged and scraped Caleb's breakfast onto his plate.


"I'm not the only one."

I scowled and took a forkful of bacon from his plate. Enoch stared at the bathroom.

"Is Caleb alright?"

"Yeah. Why?"

He paused. "Just..."

"Skipping breakfast is weird, if you meant that."

"No. Just." He pursed his lips. "There was something wrong with him yesterday."


"I'm not kidding Carl."

I sighed. "I know. You remember Echidna?"

"Of course."

"She said he couldn't hide it from her." I tapped my heart. "Here."

"... And?"

"I'm not sure. But he's sick- and it's something that can't  be healed with nectar."

We were silent for a few moments while stuffing our faces.

"Why didn't you ask him yesterday?"

"I don't need to know." I finished the rest of my breakfast and set down my fork.

"... Aren't you curious?"

"Why should I be? All I need is to kill those Ares kids after completing this quest."

"Love you."

"You're washing the dishes Carl." He stood up. "I need to say goodbye to Ashley."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Whatever."

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