Chapter 17

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Caleb's POV

I stared up at the ladder to the attic.

I remembered the last time I was here. I went away half crazy and half scared out of my mind. Chiron stared at me, encouraging me to go up.

I guess I have to explain why I'm here.

A quest. These days, it was hard to coax a prophecy from the oracle, but there were many needed quests. Monsters were popping up like mushrooms after rain. I opened the trapdoor and stared at the mummy on the stool, wondering why we hadn't thought of changing it to Rachel yet. I clenched my fists tight and stared at her glassy marble eyes, trying not to think of the last word she had said

"Tell me-"

Green mist hissed out of her mouth, and I panicked. I stumbled back a few steps and landed on the closed trapdoor.

Darkness she hissed Eternal darkness!

Horrifing memories of that last day at the empty camp filled my mind. I screamed, banging at the trapdoor.

Darknessss.... Eternal darkness....

Dark, black water filled my lungs. I couldn't breathe. The oracle was still again, as if it had never moved, but her voice still echoed in my head.

Was it the only thing she would tell me?

Eternal darkness.


Honestly, the Chimera wasn't much for me know.

But we were known to be a trio of completely useless demigods, so why not send them off to defeat a monster roaming out there? I looked out the window of the bus clunking down the road. Enoch was asleep next to me, while Carl was fingering his dagger hilt. I sighed and my heart seemed to calm down a bit.


It was so peaceful, so calm for so long after I had came out of camp. I closed my eyes.

I knew it was growing. It hadn't showed, but it starting showing little by little, every day. the small splotch had become something like a bruise, and it started to hurt more.

I sighed. Would I be able to fight if this got worse? What would happen in the end?

Eternal darkness....

Death? A coma? Or... I shuddered. I didn't want to think about that. I put my hand above my heart, partly to feel if it was still beating, and partly to calm me down. I spotted a glimpse of gold and white fangs. I stretched out my neck, hoping to see it once more but it had dissapeared out of sight.

I leaned back. Maybe the Nemean lion? I pursed my lips. It wouldn't be after us. Maybe. I looked out the window once again and searched the plains for anything.


He blinked a few times as I nudged him, his sleepy purple eyes focusing. "Why?"

"... When was the last time a monster attacked you?"

"Never." he yawned.


"I've never been attacked by a monster before." he rubbed his eyes. "Are we there yet?"

"No. How did you know you were a demigod?"

"Caleb." He looked around at the sleeping people around us. "Shh."

I sighed and leaned back. "What about Carl?"

"Twice? Not sure." He stared at me. "What about you?"

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