Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

I woke up on one of Camp's bed.

I sat up, breathing in the familar scent of the strawberry fields. I smiled slightly.
I had missed this scent.

I stared down at my hands. They weren't mine. I knew exactly who's they were.

Caleb. Caleb Linton. 15 years old.

I took a deep breath. I needed to act like if I didn't know this place. I leaned back. But it felt so good, being-

The door opened abruptly to reveal Chiron and Annabeth. Chiron smiled at me warmly.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood."

I nodded slowly, glancing at Annabeth. My chest hurt at looking at her. I had missed her for months. I forced my eyes onto Chiron.

"Can you explain everything?" I said slowly, looking at the legs. "And why you're a... Centaur?"

He smiled slightly at me. "Annabeth?"

She stepped out from behind Chiron and held out her hand. I shook it carefully, scanning her. 12. Her eyes were still anaylizing and sharp. Chiron had went into the big house.

"... Do you know who your parents are?"

I hesitated. "My mother. She died when I was 4 though."

She nodded slowly. "What about your father?"

"Never knew him."

She sighed. "Well, your father isn't dead. He's a god. A greek god."

"...You sure you aren't mistaken."

"Yes." she gave me a glass of nectar. "Drink."

I knew what it would taste like. I sipped it and forced myself not to gag on the taste of blood.

All that was left of my home.

"What does it taste like?"

I swallowed, acting suprised. "Ice cream. The ice cream my mother bought me sometimes on sundays."

She nodded. "See, you're not dead. If you were a mortal, you would of burned up already."

"... I see." I said, staring at Argus.

"Thats Argus. Our security guard."

"... Like... He ra's Argus?"

"Be carful with names. But yes, the one from the myths."

"... And Chiron is that Chiron?"

"Yes." she frowned. "How did you know he was Chiron?"

"Uh... I know Chiron from the myths taught heros."

She nodded slowly, but her eyes glinted with suspicion.

"I'll show you around camp."


The staring.

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