Chapter 25

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Percy's POV

Grover told me about the skirmishes they had.

Thaila came in while he was talking, and went in to check on Annabeth.

Grover finished his report with a few last depressing results. Thaila shouldered her bow. "Percy, Kronos's forces are gathering at every bridge and tunnel. And-"

"That's why you need me."

My head whipped up and Thaila's eyes widened as Caleb dumped a sopping wet Michael Yew on the floor. But somehow, Caleb was completely dry.

He had his sword out, showing the replica to everyone in the room.


"Any thanks?"

"Get out." I snarled, standing up.

"You should know by already I'm not a traitor."

His golden eyes met mine evenly, showing a hint of desperate. For a second, I could see myself reflected in him, desperately trying to hide what I really was.

"Wait." Thaila went in between both of us, pushing me back. "How can we trust you? Why not explain what you are?"

He hesitated. "All you need to know about me that you need me." He insisted.

"No. We can't let you in our army with that kind of flimsy information."

Caleb scowled. "You can't stop me from destroying Kronos."

"Why the hell do you think you'll be the one to?"

The sink exploded, making Demeter kids scream and run away while Hephastus kids ran towards it to fix it.

I could see Thaila's hands shaking for some reason. A shiver ran through me.

Not wet.

Completely healed after falling into the river.

Exploding water.

No... he wouldn't be.

He couldn't.

"That.... that was you, right?"

I stared at Caleb with wide eyes.


"Are you...."

Water lifted from the sink, wrapping around him. He clenched a fist, and all the water fell to the ground as tiny crystals of ice.

"When.... when did you start to freeze water?" Thaila asked, her voice shaking.

"That wasn't me."

Caleb crossed his arms, staring at me pointedly.

"Got it?"

"Who's your father? Really."

"You should know by now."

"But... you're over 16."

"I've already met my fate. I've already finished mine. I'm here to help you with yours."

"... alright."

Worry washed off his serious expression.

"Can I see Annabeth?"

I cursed under my breath. Yes. I remembered why he was here.


"Yeah. She's over in that room." Grover said.

Caleb went inside without another word.

"Grover-" I sighed, exasperated. "Why..."

Thaila put her hand on my shoulder. "Go get some sleep. You need it."

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